List of Khitan Large Character Reconstructions in Liu and Wang 2004

The table below is a transcription of the table of phonetic reconstructions for 189 Khitan Large Script characters given by Liu Fengzhu 劉鳳翥 and Wang Yunlong 王雲龍 in Appendix I of their 2004 study of the Epitaph for Yelü Changyun 耶律昌允. This page is a mirror of this page, but uses WOFF fonts instead of glyph images.

Number Glyph(s) Phonetic Reconstruction Transcription for Chinese Khitan Meaning
1 建 initial
2 ɑn 建, 勸 final
3 ju 雄 initial
4 雄, 宗, 封, 農, 中 final
5 kun 軍, 郡
6  tu

7 ʃi 使, 師, 事, 史
8 sin 晉, 信, 習
9 si 慈刺七
10 si 漆, 西, 隰, 齊
11 bun
12 te 等 initial
13  ŋ 等 final
牛 initial
14 tʃiu
15 kon 觀, 管
16 tʃɑ
17 tʃu
18 tʃi 置, 知
承, 鄭 initial
19 tʃuŋ
20  lu 祿 "dragon" 龍
21  tɑi
22 pu 副, 夫, 傅, 府, 撫
23 kɑm 檢, 兼, 監
24 kiɑu
25 tɑi 大, 太
26 so
27  sen
28 iu 牛 final
29 wei 衛, 尉
30  ʃɑ 上 initial
31  ɑŋ 上, 江 final
32 siɑŋ 將, 相
33 tʃi
34 se
35 tʃu 諸, 柱
36  kun 軍, 郡
37 行 initial
38 ɑŋ 行 final
39  tʃo 涿
40 nu
內, 農 initial
41 ui
內 final
"pig" 猪, "business" 事 (both read wəi)
42 su 巡 initial
43 iun 雲, 尹
巡 final
44 ɑn
韓 final
Genitive affix for stems with an [ɑ] vowel
45 dun
46 ten 天, 田
47 ki 勸 initial
48  ŋiu
49 ʃɑŋ
50 kuei
51 ʃui
52 khə 開 initial
53 ɑi 開 final "father" 父, "year" 年
54 kuŋ
55 ʃi 食, 實
56 i

57 ŋu 吾, 五
58 pe
59 qu 户, 哈
60 ʃi
61 im
62 un, ən Second syllable of the title 詳穩 "general"
Genitive affix for stems with an [ə] vowel
63 mu "ice" 冰 ? (cf. Daur məis, Mongolian moso)
64 tʃi
65 mɑi "big" 大
66  khitɑ "Khitan" 契丹
67  i Coda for the word "Khitan"
68 Second syllable of the word "qara" 哈喇
69 kur "country" 國
70 ɣuɑŋ
71 ti
72 pəxəi "son" 子, "daughter" 女, "child" 孩子
73 thɑu 討 (in the official title 招討) "five" 五
74  in Genitive affix for stems with an [i] vowel
75  u First syllable of the words "upper" 上 and "court" 院
76  or Second syllable of the words "upper" 上 and "court" 院
77 kiŋ
78 liu
79 ʃiu
81 ir "name" 名, 號, 諱
82 ʃi First syllable of the word "long life" 壽
83 li Third syllable of the Tangut personal name 習尼里
Second syllable of the word "to be born" 生
84 kim
85 təməi First two syllables of the word "to enfeoff" 封
86 nəxəi "dog" 狗
87 emɑ "goat" 羊
88  our "years old" 歲
89 kun
90 qoŋ
91 lu 龍 initial
92 tuŋ
93  tu
94 xi 興 initial
95 əŋ 承, 興, 永, 寧 final
96  tʃu 中 initial
97  to First syllable of the word "east" 東
98 jiə 左 initial
99 ɑsɑ First two syllables of the second word of the era name Qingning 清寧
100 li or lu Last syllable of the second word of the era name Qingning 清寧
101 dəro "seven" 七
Khitan personal name 迪烈
102 ni "ox" 牛
103 o First syllable of the words "preface" 序 and "new moon" 朔
First syllable of the Khitan personal names 訛里本 and 烏廬本
104 li or lu Second syllable of the words "preface" 序 and "new moon" 朔
First syllable of the Khitan personal names 訛里本 and 烏廬本
105  pun Third syllable of the words "preface" 序 and "new moon" 朔
First syllable of the Khitan personal name 訛里本
106 khu "person" 人
Initial of the first syllable of the Khitan personal name 控骨里
107 si
108  si "nine" 九
109  muri "horse" 馬
110  pho "time" 時
111  Second syllable of the word "rabbit" 兔
112 the First syllable of the Khitan personal name 特里德
113 li Second syllable of the Khitan personal name 特里德
114 tei Third syllable of the Khitan personal name 特里德
First syllable of the word "middle [brother]" 仲
115 pæt Second syllable of the Khitan personal name 杷八
First syllable of the Khitan personal name 八十五
116 tʃɑu 招 (in the official title 招討) "hundred" 百
117 j 永 initial
118 ni 寧 initial
119 tʃi First syllable of the words "with" 并 and "write" 寫
120  Second syllable of the Khitan personal names 王家奴 and 慈家奴
121 tʃiu
122 kiŋ
123 so 宗 initial
124 phi
125 sɑm
126 ɣɑ 韓 initial
127 phə First syllable of the words "monkey" 猴 and "become" 成爲
128 o, uə Second syllable of the word "become" 成爲
129 o Second syllable of the words "monkey" 猴 and "snake" 蛇
130  mek First syllable of the word "snake" 蛇
131  meko "snake" 蛇
132  təxɑ "chicken" 雞
133  ʃɑ First syllable of the title 郎君 (沙里)
134 li or ri Second syllable of the title 郎君 (沙里)
135 so
136 sɛŋ First syllable of the title 詳穩 "general"
137 in Genitive affix for stems with an [i] vowel
138 ʃɑn
139  si 靜 initial
140 si 子, 紫
141 or li Second syllable of the Khitan personal name 拽剌
Second syllable of the mountain name 嘉鹿山
Final syllable of the word "to compose" 撰
142 First syllable of the Khitan personal name 杷八
143 ne Second syllable of the Khitan personal name 習涅
144 in or ən Second syllable of the Khitan personal name 留隱
145 wo 元, 原 medial
146 ʃi 帥 initial
147 iu 帥 final
148  sin 人 (in 夫人)
149 piŋ
150 ʃiŋ
151 suŋ
152 tɑu
153 koi
154 xwɑ
155 ni Second syllable of the Khitan personal name 習尼里
156 je First syllable of the Khitan personal name 拽剌
157 tsɑŋ
158 ko 光 initial
159 lu 祿
160 ɑi 開 final
161 pu "grand" in the word "grandfather" 祖父
162 ɑn 元, 原 final
163 then
165 tʂʻ First syllable of the official title 都統 "Commander-in-chief"
166 u Second syllable of the official title 都統 "Commander-in-chief"
167 thur "first" 元, "initial" 初
168 tʃhu
169 ʃu
170 li
令 initial
171 ʃɑŋ 尚 (in 尚父)
172 u First syllable of the official title 于越 "Councilor"
173 wo Second syllable of the official title 于越 "Councilor"
174 ɑn Genitive affix for stems with an [ɑ] vowel
175 tʃo 趙 initial
176 siŋ
177 nɑi "first [month]" 正[月]
178 tʃəŋ
179 nǐo
180 ko
181 yo
182 su
183 dɑn Name for the Dongdan 東丹 kingdom
184 tieŋ
185 hɑili Second syllable of the Khitan personal names 海里 and 解里
186 dor "seal" 印, "ceremony" 禮
187 bor "complete" 全, "Buddha" 佛
188 thɑ
189 ʃɑ 少 initial


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