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The Morrison Collection | |
These catalogue records are for books belonging to the Morrison Collection that were not included in the published catalogue of the colletion, Catalogue of the Morrison Collection of Chinese Books (London : SOAS, 1988), either because they are no longer held by SOAS, or because they were missing at that time.
Catalogue records are in the same format as the published catalogue, and follow the same system of bibliographic classification.
Catalogue records for the following items are currently available :
Originally compiled by Zhang Heng in 1702. This edition edited by Huang Peifang (1779-1859) et al. in 1810.
ff. 1, 2, 13, 11, 20, 20, 8.
RM c.9.j.5. 1 fasc. in 1 vol. 25.5 cm. UCL I.c.38.
版式∶版框16.9 × 12.6公分;四周單邊;10行21字;版心題《儒林錄約刻》;下口鐫"嶺海樓叢書"。
Biographical accounts of masters of the Chan sect up until 1163. Compiled by Qu Ruji (1548-1610) in 1602, and edited by Yan Cheng.
RM c.801.c.112. 10 fascs. in 2 vols. 26 cm. UCL E.f.1.
版式∶版框21.6 × 15.2公分;四周單邊;11行21字;版心題《指月錄》。
A list of the 6,793 works that were submitted for inclusion in the imperial collectanea Siku quanshu 四庫全書 (Complete Works of the Four Categories), but that were not copied out as part of the final work. Compiled by Hu Qian in 1793.
ff. 37, 28, 51, 44, 44, 44, 31, 57, 34, 32.
RM c.10.s.7. 6 fascs. in 1 vol. 19.5 cm. UCL I.e.1.
版式∶版框12.5 × 9.8公分;左右雙邊;9行21字;版心題《欽定四庫全書附存目錄》。
A descriptive catalogue of the 3,461 works included in the imperial collectanea Siku quanshu 四庫全書 (Complete Works of the Four Categories) that was compiled by order of the Qianlong emperor between 1773 and 1782, as well as the 6,793 works that were submitted for inclusion but not copied out as part of the final work. This catalogue was compiled by Ji Yun 紀昀 (1724-1805) et al. under the editorial supervision of the Prince Yongrong (1744-1790) et al. The first draft was completed in 1782, and final version first published in 1789.
RM c.10.s.4. 112 fascs. in 15 vols. (missing fascs. 57-63). 缺第57冊至第63冊(卷112-124)。 19.5 cm. UCL E.d.1.
版式∶版框14.6 × 10.9公分;左右雙邊;9行21字;版心題《欽定四庫全書總目》。
A collection of supernatural and strange anecdotes. Compiled by "Shiqiao jushi", and edited by Lu He in 1779. This edition edited by Gu Quan in 1793.
ff. 1, 1, 29, ..., 32, 1, 33, 1, 29, 1, 29, 1, 37, 1, 28, 1, 26.
RM c.357.k.21. 4 fascs. in 1 vol. 17.5 cm. UCL E.c.13.
版式∶版框12.8 × 9.6公分;左右雙邊;9行18字;版心題《桂山錄異》。