The Morrison Collection |
Morrison's Manuscript Catalogue |
This page provides an edited transcription of Robert Morrison's manuscript catalogue of his Chinese Library (SOAS MS 80823).
The catalogue is in the form of a small book (about 16 x 13 cm.) of nearly 400 pages, with each page containing title entries for one of 396 phonetic keywords, following the system used in Morrison's Dictionary of the Chinese Language (1815-1823). There are a total of 1,114 title entries, which, accounting for duplicate entries, represent some 900 distinct titles.
The catalogue was compiled by Morrison prior to his return to England in 1824, as is evidenced by the following colophon, written by Morrison aboard the H.C.S. Waterloo :
Total about 803. Carry to England with me altogether about 10,000 volumes. Waterloo Feb.20, 1824. S.Lat.7 W.L.14.
For each entry in the catalogue Morrison gives the title in Chinese characters, and usually a description of its physical extent and/or comments on its subject matter. The catalogue entries are in the form of short, disjointed notes, with copious abbreviations. In order to make these more readily understandable, punctuation has been added, capitalisation regularised and abbreviations expanded as and where necessary. Illegible text is represented as [...].
In front of the title for most catalogue entries there has been added a sequential catalogue number between 1 and 916. These catalogue numbers correspond to the catalogue numbers written on the covers of most of the actual books in the collection by John Williams in 1854. However, as discussed elsewhere, the numbers written in Morrison's Manuscript Catalogue are in a hand that is clearly neither that of Morrison nor that of Williams, but were probably added to the catalogue sometime after the collection arrived in England. Nevertheless, there is evidence that these numbers derive from a now lost draft of a catalogue of the collection that Morrison was preparing for publication during 1824-1825 (see Memoirs of the Life and Labours of Robert Morrison vol.2 pp.295-296), and so the numbers are recorded in the table below. See the Index of Catalogue Numbers for a listing of Morrison's books in number sequence, together with SOAS callmark identifications where known.
For the reader's convenience the catalogue is presented below in tabular form, each table representing the entries for one keyword, divided into columns showing the Chinese title, catalogue number, physical extent, and Morrison's comments for each entry.
The Chinese titles are as written in the catalogue, and no attempt has been made to amend or indicate incorrect Chinese characters, even though these are not uncommon (e.g. the book Bao shi quanshu 寶氏全書 is also erroneously recorded as Dou shi quanshu 竇氏全書).
Keywords with no entries are ommited.
Keyword Index
Facsimile of Entries for Keywords Sze and Ta
Catalogue Entries
Chang 章
Title |
Number |
Extent |
Comments |
唱道真言 |
735, 848 |
1 vol. |
Taou sect |
張果老勸世文 |
A pamphlet |
張果老星宗 |
65 |
5 vols. |
Astrological, Taou sect |
張氏通鑒 |
529 |
28 vols. |
Medical |
常言道 |
245 |
3 vols. |
Title |
Number |
Extent |
Comments |
巢氏病源 |
544 |
10 vols. |
Medical |
Title |
Number |
Extent |
Comments |
指月錄 |
705 |
10 vols. |
Biography of their Budhs, gods & eminent priests of the sect |
致富全書 |
581 |
2 vols. |
知不足齋 |
5 |
智囊 |
409 |
折肱漫錄 |
599 |
1 vol. |
Medical |
持驗 |
763 |
Chĕ 折
Title |
Number |
Extent |
Comments |
折肱漫錄 |
1 vol. |
Medical |
浙江通志 |
31 |
100 vols. |
Chen 占
Title |
Number |
Extent |
Comments |
禪真後史 |
289 |
See Shen |
Chĭh 尺
Title |
Number |
Extent |
Comments |
敕修浙江通志 |
100 vols. |
The same as 浙江通志, 25 dollars |
咫聞錄 |
296 |
尺牘類選 |
468 |
12 vols. |
尺牘聯祭 |
471 |
3 vols. |
尺牘友琴 |
474 |
4 vols. |
Chin 珍
Title |
Number |
Extent |
Comments |
診家索隱 |
600 |
1 vol. |
Medical |
針灸大成 |
528 |
10 vol. |
Medical |
針灸要法 |
382 |
2 vols. |
診脈發藥醫按 |
489 |
4 vols. |
真聖寶鑒 |
619 |
1 vol. |
真心直說 |
761 |
1 vol. |
Ching 正
Title |
Number |
Extent |
Comments |
正教真詮 |
708 |
4 vols. |
A defence & illustration of Mahometanism, an interesting book |
成道記 |
646 |
1 vol. |
Some account of Budhism |
正字通 |
395 |
15 vols. |
成語考 |
4 vols. |
成案所見 |
58 |
32 vols. |
證治準繩 |
587 |
39 vols. |
Medical |
澄海縣志 |
184 |
8 vols. |
函海 |
242 |
34 vols. |
Chŏ 卓
Title |
Number |
Extent |
Comments |
酌增保甲條款稿 |
A pamphlet on the tything [...] |
Choo 主
Title |
Number |
Extent |
Comments |
諸經日誦 |
622 |
1 vol. |
Prayers |
諸天科儀 |
882 |
1 vol. |
朱子公家訓 |
659 |
1 vol. |
A tract |
駐春園小史 |
374 |
6 vols. |
A continued story |
朱子異同條辨 |
33 |
40 vols. |
硃 |
See Shoo |
朱子全書 |
381 |
26 vols. |
諸經 |
809 |
1 vol. |
Chow 伷
Title |
Number |
Extent |
Comments |
酬世寶要全書 |
4 vols. |
Similar to 酬世江湖尺牘全書 |
籌海圖編 |
67 |
22 vols. |
Chŭh 竹
Title |
Number |
Extent |
Comments |
竹譜 |
908 |
1 vol. |
Drawing of bamboos |
竹書統箋 |
134 |
4 vols. |
祝由科 |
479 |
2 vols. |
Chuĕ 叕
Title |
Number |
Extent |
Comments |
綴白來 |
388 |
48 vols. |
Plays |
綴白裘 |
48 vols. |
Plays |
Chuen 川
Title |
Number |
Extent |
Comments |
篆文字彙 |
69 |
12 vols. |
Dictionary of the seal character |
篆書盛京賦 |
A poem of the Emperor Këen-lung's in a variety of characters |
Chun 春
Title |
Number |
Extent |
Comments |
春秋經傳 |
789 |
12 vols. |
春風面引 |
416 |
4 vols. |
Bad print, probably licentious |
Chung 中
Title |
Number |
Extent |
Comments |
中庸直指 |
758 |
1 vol. |
中峰法語 |
715 |
1 vol. |
Lectures of Budhism, good style |
種痘新書 |
526 |
6 vols., duplicate 5 vols. |
鐘鼎字源 |
76 |
2 vols. |
Chuy 追
Title |
Number |
Extent |
Comments |
吹影編 |
387 |
4 vols. |
Short stories |
E 以
Title |
Number |
Extent |
Comments |
依樣萌蘆 |
411 |
4 vols. |
Forms of Letters |
藝文通覽 |
40 |
30 vols. |
Two copies, also called 備覽 |
醫宗金鑒 |
539 |
40 vols., duplicate in Canton 41 vols. |
Medical book |
醫宗寶鏡 |
503 |
5 vols. |
醫方集解 |
502, 586 |
6 vols., duplicate 3 vols. |
Medical |
醫學要則 |
565 |
4 vols. |
Medical |
醫方精論 |
595 |
12 vols. |
Medical |
醫學纂要 |
518 |
6 vols. |
醫宗摘要 |
524 |
2 vols. |
醫方寶要 |
4 vols. |
醫宗秘傳蒼生司命 |
4 vols. |
醫門普度 |
507 |
5 vols. |
Medical |
醫宗寶鏡 |
3 vols. |
異授眼科 |
580 |
1 vol. |
醫門法律 |
555 |
16 vols. |
醫學入門 |
568 |
14 vols. |
Medical |
醫書匯參 |
579 |
14 vols. |
醫書十二種 |
554 |
10 vols. |
醫宗說約 |
576 |
5 vols. |
醫宗秘讀 |
5 vols. |
醫學心悟 |
4 vols. |
儀理鈔略 |
229 |
藝海珠塵 |
16 [?] |
64 vols. |
醫宗必讀 |
483 |
5 vols. |
醫方寶要 |
547 |
4 vols. |
遺教經 |
669 |
1 vol. |
遺稿 |
679 |
1 vol. |
藝海珠塵 |
64 vols. |
藝文備覽 |
42 vols. |
Fă 法
Title |
Number |
Extent |
Comments |
法界安立 |
683 |
2 vols. |
Fanciful representation of different states of existence |
法帖 |
6 vols. |
Fan 凡
Title |
Number |
Extent |
Comments |
梵網疏義 |
713 |
2 vols. |
梵網戒經 |
890, 885 |
1 vol. |
梵音須知 |
674 |
2 vols. |
Fang 方
Title |
Number |
Extent |
Comments |
放生文 |
765 |
1 vol. |
方輿類纂 |
45 |
30 vols. |
Fe 非
Title |
Number |
Extent |
Comments |
飛龍全傳 |
334 |
12 vols. |
Poor type, not very colloquial |
霏屑軒尺牘 |
468 |
12 vols. |
Forms of letters &c |
飛武全傳 |
284 |
4 vols. |
廢樓志 |
6 vols. |
Fei 匪
Title |
Number |
Extent |
Comments |
翡翠尺牘 |
473 |
4 vols. |
Foo 父
Title |
Number |
Extent |
Comments |
輔教全書 |
95 |
15 vols. |
Medical |
婦科輯要 |
577 |
2 vols. |
Fŭh 弗
Title |
Number |
Extent |
Comments |
佛門定制 |
834 |
4 vols. |
Forms of spells & charms of the Buddha sect |
佛說高王白衣觀世音菩薩經 |
A form of prayer which claims a great superiority over other forms, accompanied by a bad print of Kwan-yin |
佛頂尊勝陀羅尼經 |
1 thin vol. |
福建志 |
32 |
46 vols. |
讀禮通考 |
44 |
30 vols. |
佛說摩利...尼經 |
910 |
Fow 否
Title |
Number |
Extent |
Comments |
浮山小志 |
342 |
Fun 分
Title |
Number |
Extent |
Comments |
分韻 |
4 vols. |
Tonic dictionary & letter writer |
分韻撮要 |
2 vols. |
粉妝樓 |
390 |
15 vols., duplicate |
芥子園畫傳四集 |
4 vols. |
On drawing likenesses |
Fung 丰
Title |
Number |
Extent |
Comments |
封神演義 |
96 |
20 vols. |
Legendary tales of demigods &c |
封神傳 |
20 vols. |
Same as preceding |
鳳凰池 |
309 |
4 vols. |
馮氏錦囊 |
485 |
29 vols. |
Medical |
Gae 哀
Title |
Number |
Extent |
Comments |
靄樓賸覽 |
4 vols. |
Tales, not Colloquial |
藹 or 靄樓逸志 |
6 vols. |
Stories |
Gan 岸
Title |
Number |
Extent |
Comments |
案 |
4 vols. |
鈔得的 |
安舟四書解 |
268 |
8 vols. |
On 上論 & 下論 by a 順德 keujin, 1 dollar ½ |
案書 |
216 |
4 vols. |
Gaou 扷
Title |
Number |
Extent |
Comments |
澳門記 |
158 |
4 vols. |
Hae 害
Title |
Number |
Extent |
Comments |
海瑞公案 |
385 |
6 vols. |
海國聞見錄 |
301 |
2 vols. |
A geographical book |
海塘掔要 |
183 |
12 vols. |
海篇正宗 |
189 |
20 vols. |
Han 旱
Title |
Number |
Extent |
Comments |
寒山詩集 |
222 |
1 vol. |
寒山子詩 |
759 |
1 vol. |
漢字氣拖布 |
899 |
1 vol. |
Mahomedan Book |
漢香亭 |
316 |
4 vols. |
Colloquial drama |
含英 |
225 |
4 vols. |
Poetry 含英詩韻, words that rhyme |
漢魏叢書 |
8 |
80 vols. |
邯鄲記 |
2 vols. |
漢王叔師集 |
7 |
106 vols. |
咸案所見集 |
58 |
32 vols. |
漢學師承記 |
441 |
4 vols. |
Hang 行
Title |
Number |
Extent |
Comments |
杭州志 |
35 |
40 vols. |
Hăng 恒
Title |
Number |
Extent |
Comments |
杏花天 |
319 |
4 vols. |
A low obscene novel |
杏壇聖蹟 |
654 |
6 vols. |
Notes on Confucius |
Haou 浩
Title |
Number |
Extent |
Comments |
好逑傳 (第二才子) |
308 |
6 vols., sometimes bound in 4 vols. |
Novel called Pleasing History |
He 喜
Title |
Number |
Extent |
Comments |
希夷夢 |
339 |
18 vols. |
Colloquial novel |
Heang 向
Title |
Number |
Extent |
Comments |
香山縣誌 |
85 |
8 vols. |
香祖樓 |
293 |
2 vols. |
香石詩話 |
343 |
2 vols. |
項太史稿 |
346 |
4 vols. |
Hëen 現
Title |
Number |
Extent |
Comments |
現在賢劫 |
1 vol. |
閒情偶寄 |
391 |
5 vols. |
On writing & miscellaneous subjects |
限期集覽 |
457 |
2 vols. |
Heŏ 學
Title |
Number |
Extent |
Comments |
學統 |
150 |
12 vols. |
Memoirs of the leading men of the Confucian sect; with arguments annexed against the sects of Taou & Fuh |
學庸決疑直說 |
1 vol. |
學庸直指 |
662 |
1 vol. |
Heu 吁
Title |
Number |
Extent |
Comments |
虛堂集 |
3 vols. |
Collection of verses |
虛堂詩集 |
653 |
3 vols. |
Heuen 咺
Title |
Number |
Extent |
Comments |
懸金字彙 |
Heun 熏
Title |
Number |
Extent |
Comments |
訓俗遺規 |
640 |
4 vols. |
Moral essays |
Heung 凶
Title |
Number |
Extent |
Comments |
迴文傳 |
384 |
6 vols. |
Hing 形
Title |
Number |
Extent |
Comments |
行水金鑒 |
525 |
30 vols. |
On the rivers in the north with charts of the yellow & other Rivers |
行文語類 |
4 vols. |
Miscellaneous collections for learners |
行書草法 |
328 |
刑祥經解 |
700 |
1 vol. |
Hoo 乎
Title |
Number |
Extent |
Comments |
呼家後代 |
300 |
6 vols. |
Continued story, colloquial, good type |
護法論 |
778 |
1 vol., duplicate |
A defence of the law, tries to blend Confucius & Buddha |
虎鈐經 |
188 |
5 vols. |
How 后
Title |
Number |
Extent |
Comments |
喉科指學 |
563 |
1 vol. |
後說鈴 |
364 |
12 vols. |
Hung 哄
Title |
Number |
Extent |
Comments |
紅樓夢 |
248 |
24 vols. |
Dream of the red chamber, memoirs of a rich family in Peking |
後紅樓夢 |
249 |
10 vols. |
Continuation |
續紅樓夢 |
250 |
10 vols. |
Further continuation |
續紅樓夢 |
251 |
20 vols. |
洪名寶懺 |
893, 880 |
1 vol. |
紅雪樓九種曲 |
10 vols. |
Sort of opera |
洪武全書 |
10 vols. |
紅耦山莊 |
365 |
12 vols. |
紅樓夢 |
248½ |
Hwa 化
Title |
Number |
Extent |
Comments |
華嚴懺 |
1 vol. |
Prayers of Buddha sect, they are recited or 唱 sung. See under 大 |
華嚴經 |
741 |
16 vols. |
化生儀 |
652 |
1 vol. |
Doctrines of Budh |
花箋第八才子 |
4 vols. |
A low novel |
畫傳 |
111 |
5 vols. |
花部 |
3 vols. |
花鏡 |
399 |
3 vols. |
Remarks on flowers with cuts |
畫傳四集 |
109 |
4 vols. |
畫舫錄 |
324 |
Hwan 幻
Title |
Number |
Extent |
Comments |
圜天圖說 |
3 vols. |
Astrological & geographical, proper price 2 ½ dollars |
Hwang 荒
Title |
Number |
Extent |
Comments |
皇極經世 |
808 |
8 vols. |
凰求鳳 |
213 |
2 vols. |
Old play |
皇懺 |
861 |
1 vol. |
Hwŏ 活
Title |
Number |
Extent |
Comments |
活法大成 |
159 |
10 vols. |
Hwuy 回
Title |
Number |
Extent |
Comments |
迴文傳 |
6 vols. |
Stories of love & war, good type |
回回教 |
Two books are posessed 教款捷要 and 正教真詮 |
回文類聚 |
442 |
4 vols. |
繪真記 |
246 |
6 vols. |
匯參 |
157 |
20 vols. |
會試全場闈墨 |
464 |
2 vols. |
Jĭh 日
Title |
Number |
Extent |
Comments |
日本字漢譯 |
Jin 人
Title |
Number |
Extent |
Comments |
人譜類記 |
737 |
2 vols. |
A collection of moral essays, chiefly extracts |
人天眼目 |
704 |
2 vols. |
Mystical Budh book |
Jŭh 辱
Title |
Number |
Extent |
Comments |
肉蒲團 |
318 |
4 vols. |
Colloquial, small print, vulgar book |
Joo 如
Title |
Number |
Extent |
Comments |
儒林外史 |
380 |
16 vols. |
Novel, colloqial |
儒林錄 |
452 |
1 vol. |
如來尼經 |
891 |
1 vol. |
如來德經 |
871 |
11 vols. |
Kae 亥
Title |
Number |
Extent |
Comments |
陔餘叢考 |
181 |
12 vols. |
Kan 刊
Title |
Number |
Extent |
Comments |
感應篇 |
630, 830 |
4 vols. & 3 vols. |
Doctrine of retribution |
感應篇註釋 |
799 |
Kang 亢
Title |
Number |
Extent |
Comments |
康熙字典 |
61 ? (41 ?) |
32 vols. |
綱鑒 |
62 |
34 vols., 綱鑒易知 40 vols. |
綱目 |
100 vols. |
Kăng 更
Title |
Number |
Extent |
Comments |
更豈有此理 |
286 |
4 vols. |
Unconnected parallel, not colloquial |
耕織圖 |
113 |
2 vols. |
Kaou 告
Title |
Number |
Extent |
Comments |
高王觀世音經 |
644 |
1 vol. |
高上玉皇本行集經 |
3 vols. |
Taou sect. See 玉 |
高厚蒙求 |
64 |
4 vols. |
On watchmaking &c, European |
考古圖 |
36 vols. |
Prints of ancient vases (Not) |
高王白衣經 |
886 |
1 vol. |
高王救苦經 |
851 |
1 vol. |
Ke 几/奇
Title |
Number |
Extent |
Comments |
豈有此理 |
285 |
4 vols. |
Not colloquial, novel |
起信論 |
628, 782 |
2 vols. |
Mystic account of faith, Buddha |
起信直解 |
2 vols. |
Same probably |
記史通鑒 |
57 |
39 vols. |
記事珠 |
217 |
10 vols. |
Classical |
寄閒齋 |
337 |
4 vols. |
Kea 加
Title |
Number |
Extent |
Comments |
家寶全書 |
42 |
32 vols. |
Miscellaneous moralities. A complete & precious collection of domestic instruction |
Keae 介
Title |
Number |
Extent |
Comments |
戒殺放生 |
651 |
1 vol. |
On not killing animals |
解人頤 |
386 |
4 vol. |
Short stories |
戒淫文 |
A Tract engraven on a astone at the Honan Joshouse |
解惑篇 |
777 |
1 vol. |
Historical notices of Buddhism |
戒淫集 |
633 |
1 vol. |
戒溺女圖說 |
1 vol. |
Keang 江
Title |
Number |
Extent |
Comments |
江湖分韻酬世全書 |
5 vols. |
江蘇詩徵 |
39 |
40 vols. |
江湖尺牘 |
469 |
4 vols. |
江湖分韻 |
476 |
2 vols. |
Keaou 叫
Title |
Number |
Extent |
Comments |
教款捷要 |
709 |
1 vol. |
A Mohammedan Book in Chinese interspersed with arabic words, containing various rules for fasting & for the greater & less ablutions |
Title |
Number |
Extent |
Comments |
堅瓠集 |
262 |
32 vols. |
Collection of short stories, not tolloquial |
遣愁集 |
756 |
6 vols. |
Short stories under different heads; intended to banish care |
鑒史提綱 |
4 vols. |
An epitome of history |
見聞雜紀 |
231 |
Keĭh 及
Title |
Number |
Extent |
Comments |
棘闈錄 |
618 |
1 vol. |
Keŏ 角
Title |
Number |
Extent |
Comments |
角虎集 |
780 |
2 vols. |
More intelligible than many of the Budh books |
覺世真經說證彙纂 |
393 |
8 vols. |
學世編 |
795 |
學世經說證 |
843 |
8 vols. |
Keuen 犬
Title |
Number |
Extent |
Comments |
勸孝文 |
An exhortation engraven on stone at the Honan Joshouse |
勸誡類鈔 |
829 |
1 vol. |
Moral essays |
勸善詩 |
A pamphlet |
勸世全書 |
639 |
1 vol. |
倦圃 |
247 |
2 vols. |
勸孝詩 |
638 |
勸善老人 |
817 |
1 vol. |
Kew 九
Title |
Number |
Extent |
Comments |
救偏瑣言 |
569 |
4 vols. |
Medical |
九才子 |
258 |
2 vols. |
九宮大成 |
100 vols. |
Containing songs used in the Harem of the Emperor |
九天王樞寶經 |
853 |
1 vol. |
Kĭh 客
Title |
Number |
Extent |
Comments |
克念篇 |
826 |
1 vol. |
Moral |
Kin 斤
Title |
Number |
Extent |
Comments |
金瓶梅 |
20 vols. |
A licentious tale, grossly obscene, colloquial, good print, by the author of San Kwŏ Che |
金石姻緣 |
361 |
6 vols. |
Colloquial, a tale of marriage |
金雲翹 |
414 |
4 vols. |
Colloquial, coarse, bad print |
錦字箋 |
294 |
2 vols. |
錦香亭 |
373 |
4 vols. |
Colloquial, continued story |
今古奇觀 |
355 |
10 vols., large copy 16 vols. |
Tales, rather colloquial |
錦上花 |
320 |
4 vols. |
An obscene novel detailing unnatural practices |
金剛持驗 |
627 |
2 vols. |
Legends of saints who believing in Budh & recited this prayer |
金剛如義 |
703 |
1 vol. |
Paraphrase on this book |
金剛決疑 |
663 |
1 vol. |
金剛解義 |
624, 661 |
1 vol. |
金剛宗通 |
664 |
2 vols. |
今雨堂詩 |
665 |
1 vol. |
金鑒外科 |
523 |
10 vols. |
金剛略義 |
666 |
1 vol. |
金剛直說 |
648 |
1 vol. |
金剛直解 |
769 |
1 vol. |
金剛經節訓 |
660 |
1 vol. |
金剛經呂祖箋釋 |
746 |
1 vol. |
錦玉亭 |
4 vols. |
Coarse |
金匱翼 |
520 |
8 vols. |
Medical |
金匱要略 |
573 |
6 vols. |
琴譜 |
144 |
18 vols. |
琴譜新聲 |
215 |
3 vols. |
金湯十二壽 |
A M.S. book on the military art with drawings of weapons |
金定平苗 |
218 |
24 vols. |
近徵錄 |
637 |
金剛經 |
697, 889 |
1 vol. |
金光明經 |
838 |
4 vols. |
金剛般...蜜經 |
805 |
1 vol. |
金剛...蜜經論 |
915 |
2 vols. |
King 京
Title |
Number |
Extent |
Comments |
警世新書 |
352 |
6 vols. |
[...] stories, colloquial |
敬信錄 |
609, 723 |
1 vol. |
A record of things believed, the Chinese confession of faith |
敬信錄增訂 |
5 vols. |
敬絡歌訣 |
227 |
1 vol. |
Bad print |
經史典故駢句記事珠 |
See 記 |
經驗奇方 |
556 |
6 vols. |
景岳全書 |
585 |
24 vols. |
Medical |
經言拾遺 |
141 |
3 vols. |
警富新書 |
3 vols. |
景德鎮陶錄 |
237 |
4 vols. |
An account of the Manufacture of Porcelain in Keang-se |
經濟類編 |
10 |
100 vols. |
經樓夢 |
118 |
2 vols. |
鏡花緣 |
422 |
20 vols. |
Ko 個
Title |
Number |
Extent |
Comments |
科場條例 |
223 |
18 vols. |
Kŏ 各
Title |
Number |
Extent |
Comments |
各國譯語 |
10 vols. |
M.S. |
各驛里數 |
153 |
1 vol. |
Koo 古
Title |
Number |
Extent |
Comments |
古文評註 |
201 |
10 vols. |
古今秘苑 |
379 |
3 vols. |
Not colloquial, receipts &c for manufacturing various things |
姑妄聽之 |
403 |
4 vols. |
Not colloquial, short unconnected stories |
古今列女傳 |
202 |
6 vols. |
Tales of virtuous women |
故事瓊林 |
214 |
4 vols., duplicate |
詁經精舍 |
209 |
14 vols. |
Classical dissertations |
古今醫鑒 |
560 |
4 vols. |
Medical |
古文折義合編‧增訂 |
16 vols. |
古玉圖 |
26 |
8 vols. |
顧大宗師文稿 |
105 |
5 vols. |
古品節錄 |
154 |
古文折義 |
348 |
11 vols. |
Kung 工
Title |
Number |
Extent |
Comments |
孔子家語 |
398 |
2 vols. |
孔子世家 |
孔雀咒經 |
862 |
3 vols. |
空谷香 |
2 vols. |
功過案 |
673 |
3 vols. |
功過格 |
678 |
1 vol. |
公門修行錄 |
686 |
1 vol. |
Kwae 快
Title |
Number |
Extent |
Comments |
快心編 |
130 |
12 vols. |
Large print, novel |
快心編 |
130 |
12 vols. |
Large print, colloquial, novel |
Kwan 官
Title |
Number |
Extent |
Comments |
觀世音菩薩普門品經 |
644 ? |
duplicate |
A plicated scroll of the Budh sect with a print |
關帝覺世懺 |
733 |
1 vol. |
關帝忠義經文 |
732 |
1 vol. |
關帝懺旨 |
728, 903 |
1 vol. |
官話正音 |
3 vols. |
To teach Canton people the Mandarin dialect |
貫珠集 |
543 |
4 vols. |
Medical |
管城碩記 |
180 |
10 vols. |
關帝訓 |
706 |
4 vols. |
觀楞伽記 |
726 |
4 vols. |
關聖寶訓 |
745 |
1 vol. |
Kwăn 困
Title |
Number |
Extent |
Comments |
坤寧妙經 |
635 |
1 vol. |
困學紀聞 |
120 |
8 vols., duplicate in a box 3 ½ dollars |
Kwang 光
Title |
Number |
Extent |
Comments |
廣東通志 |
30 |
42 vols. |
A topographical account of Canton province, price 6 ½ dollars |
光宣臺集 |
807 |
8 vols. |
The discourses & writings of 阿字 the founder of the Honan Joshouse, restorer |
廣輿記 |
191 |
14 vols. |
廣州城圖 |
2 vols. |
廣東新語 |
125 |
16 vols., duplicate 10 vols. |
Notes on Canton |
廣東鄉試硃卷 |
463 |
Pamphlet |
廣東賦役 |
12 |
106 vols. |
廣群芳譜 |
34 |
34 vols. |
廣陵詩事 |
136 |
3 vols. |
廣東文獻二集 |
149 |
16 vols. |
3 ½ dollars |
廣東闈墨 |
104 |
1 vol. |
廣東全圖 |
119 |
2 vols. |
廣梅花詩 |
459 |
1 vol. |
Kwei 圭
Title |
Number |
Extent |
Comments |
歸元直指 |
690 |
3 vols. |
Intelligible generally |
桂山錄異 |
358 |
4 vols. |
Kwŏ 國
Title |
Number |
Extent |
Comments |
國色天香 |
360 |
5 vols. |
Licentious stories, colloquial |
國朝詩別裁 |
312 |
16 vols. |
果心錄 |
710 |
1 vol. |
Lan 藍
Title |
Number |
Extent |
Comments |
蘭盆疏一本 |
692, 812 |
1 vol. |
Budh, cut |
Lang 浪
Title |
Number |
Extent |
Comments |
朗如語錄 |
787 |
1 vol. |
Miscellaneous, by a Priest |
Lăng 楞
Title |
Number |
Extent |
Comments |
楞嚴經 |
4 vols., duplicate at Canton 2 copies |
Legendary tales of the Buddha sect, Canton copy notes |
楞伽心印 |
4 vols. |
The mysteries of 佛 |
楞嚴集註 |
5 vols. |
楞嚴正脈 |
6 vols. |
楞伽經 |
4 vols. |
Laou 老
Title |
Number |
Extent |
Comments |
老子評註 |
46 |
30 vols. |
Le 里
Title |
Number |
Extent |
Comments |
禮記 |
179 |
6 vols. |
Classic on rites, ceremonies and propriety of behaviour |
隸釋續 |
176 |
隸釋 |
177 |
8 vols. |
Explanation of characters |
隸辨 |
175 |
8 vols. |
李義山詩 |
236 |
2 vols. |
痢癥匯參 |
540 |
3 vols. |
吏部則例 |
278 |
禮書綱目 |
372 |
2 vols. |
理學格言 |
794 |
Leang 兩
Title |
Number |
Extent |
Comments |
兩交婚 |
302 |
4 vols. |
Bad print, colloquial |
兩廣鹽法志 |
219 |
6 vols. |
兩漢遺書 |
299 |
8 vols. |
梁武帝全傳 |
421 |
24 vols. |
朗如大師語錄 |
626 |
Leaou 了
Title |
Number |
Extent |
Comments |
聊齋志異 |
16 vols. |
Collection of wonderful stories, colloquial |
Lëĕ 列
Title |
Number |
Extent |
Comments |
列聖寶訓 |
828 |
1 vol. |
列女傳 |
114 |
歷算全書 |
182 |
22 vols. |
Lëen 連
Title |
Number |
Extent |
Comments |
蓮宗輯要 |
783 |
2 vols. |
Contains some striking exhortations |
蓮花經 |
4 vols. |
憐香伴 |
88 |
2 vols. |
Play |
Leĭh 力
Title |
Number |
Extent |
Comments |
立命功過 |
730 |
1 vol. |
Scale of virtues & vices |
歷代紀年 |
292 |
2 vols. |
See 讀 |
歷代名臣言行錄 |
50 |
24 vols. |
歷代沿革表 |
68 |
6 vols. |
Large copy 3 dollars ½ |
Leu 呂
Title |
Number |
Extent |
Comments |
呂祖師功過格 |
4 vols. |
呂氏醫貫 |
553 |
4 vols. |
Medical |
呂祖全書 |
18 vols. |
Moral writings |
呂祖 |
240 |
呂祖醒心經 |
850 |
1 vol. |
呂祖功過格 |
835 |
1 vol. |
Leŭh 律
Title |
Number |
Extent |
Comments |
律曆淵源 |
100 vols. |
Astronomical &c composed by the united efforts of the Missionaries & Chinese |
Lew 流
Title |
Number |
Extent |
Comments |
留青集 |
424 |
20 vols. |
琉球志 |
449 |
12 vols. |
柳莊相法 |
2 vols. |
劉希仁文集 |
152 |
Lin 臨
Title |
Number |
Extent |
Comments |
麟兒報 |
378 |
4 vols. |
Coarse, bad print |
臨證指南醫案 |
12 vols. |
Medical. See 葉 |
臨川夢 |
1 vol. |
Ling 令
Title |
Number |
Extent |
Comments |
靈驗記 |
846 |
2 vols. |
Moral |
嶺南逸史 |
408 |
10 vols. |
Good type, rather colloquial |
嶺海名勝 |
135 |
16 vols. |
嶺海樓文 |
451 |
1 vol. |
楞嚴經 |
916 |
3 vols. |
Lo 羅
Title |
Number |
Extent |
Comments |
羅浮山志 |
82 |
10 vols. |
羅經解 |
266 |
3 vols. |
羅江贈別詩冊 |
439 |
1 vol. |
Lŭh 綠
Title |
Number |
Extent |
Comments |
六才子 or 西廂 |
6 vols. |
Licentious tendency, by the author of 三國志 |
六道集 |
770 |
2 vols. |
Religious opinions divided into six parts |
六合璅言 |
327 |
8 vols. |
Fabulous tales |
六書 |
447 |
24 vols. |
六十種曲 |
100 operas |
六祖壇經 |
623 |
1 vol. |
六書辨異 |
2 vols. |
六書正訛 |
462 |
2 vols. |
六書通 |
138 |
6 vols. |
2 ½ dollars, seal character |
綠窗人物花譜 |
1 vol. |
Pamphlet on drawing |
六十種曲 |
18 |
100 vols. |
Luy 雷
Title |
Number |
Extent |
Comments |
雷蜂塔 |
366 |
4 vols. bound in one |
Lung 弄
Title |
Number |
Extent |
Comments |
龍舒淨土 |
839 |
1 vol. |
good., Budh |
龍圖公案 |
377 |
5 vols. |
Stories |
龍威秘書 |
51 |
80 vols. |
Durd. Miscellaneous |
龍舒 |
680 |
1 vol. |
Ma 馬
Title |
Number |
Extent |
Comments |
馬經 |
325 |
Măng 孟
Title |
Number |
Extent |
Comments |
孟氏幼科 |
498 |
3 vols. |
Medical |
Maou 冒
Title |
Number |
Extent |
Comments |
毛詩名物略 |
270 |
4 vols. |
Me 米
Title |
Number |
Extent |
Comments |
粉妝樓 |
10 vols. |
Large print, colloquial |
彌院疏鈔 |
718 |
5 vols. |
Containing prints of the various heavens &c |
彌律要略 |
832 |
1 vol. |
Precepts |
彌陀經 |
729, 833 |
1 vol. |
Prints & some serious remarks |
彌陀經圖 |
760 |
1 vol. |
Mëaou 妙
Title |
Number |
Extent |
Comments |
妙法蓮華經 |
870, 724 |
1 vol. |
Unintelligible mysticism |
Mëĕ 滅
Title |
Number |
Extent |
Comments |
滅罪寶懺 |
875 |
10 vols. |
Title |
Number |
Extent |
Comments |
勉戒切要錄 |
238, 800 |
6 vols. |
Moral essays |
Mei 昧
Title |
Number |
Extent |
Comments |
梅花詩 |
719 |
1 vol. |
梅氏叢書 |
194 |
20 vols. |
Meĭh 宓
Title |
Number |
Extent |
Comments |
覓岸編 |
1 vol. |
Moral essays |
Mĭh 麥
Title |
Number |
Extent |
Comments |
默想彌撒規條 |
1 vol. |
Roman Catholic |
脈因證治 |
562 |
4 vols. |
Medical |
脈藥聯珠 |
491 |
7 vols. |
Medical |
Ming 名
Title |
Number |
Extent |
Comments |
明儒學案 |
437 |
22 vols. |
Memoirs of eminent literati with a selection of their sayings & opinions |
明心寶鑒 |
744, 435 |
1 vol. |
A collection of moral sentences |
名醫方論 |
593 |
4 vols. |
Medical |
名醫指掌 |
492 |
5 vols. |
Medical |
名臣奏議 |
14 |
64 vols. |
明一統志 |
20 |
80 vols. |
明文解 |
274 |
明史 |
445 |
60 vols. |
名人尺牘 |
466 |
2 vols. |
名媛尺牘 |
475 |
2 vols. |
Mo 麼
Title |
Number |
Extent |
Comments |
摩利支天陀羅尼經 |
1 vol. |
Mow 牟
Title |
Number |
Extent |
Comments |
牡丹亭 |
279 |
6 vols. |
Sort of opera |
Mŭh 木
Title |
Number |
Extent |
Comments |
牧牛圖 |
613 |
With prints |
木魚書 |
30 vols. |
Ballads |
木艸備要 |
438 |
5 vols. |
目魚書雜樣 |
481 |
80 vols. |
Mung 蒙
Title |
Number |
Extent |
Comments |
夢憶 |
460 |
2 vols. |
Mwan 滿
Title |
Number |
Extent |
Comments |
滿漢千字文 |
1 vol. |
滿字彙 |
12 vols. |
滿漢四書 |
167 |
2 copies |
滿漢合璧 |
165 |
2 vols. |
滿漢篆書 |
166 |
20 vols. |
滿漢西廂 |
168 |
8 vols. |
Nae 乃
Title |
Number |
Extent |
Comments |
奈何天 |
212 |
2 vols. |
Old play |
Nan 南
Title |
Number |
Extent |
Comments |
南斗文昌孝經 |
1 vol. |
南海縣志 |
79 |
12 vols. |
南巡盛典 |
24 |
48 vols. |
南柯記 |
206 |
2 vols. |
南斗文昌經 |
657 |
1 vol. |
Neu 女
Title |
Number |
Extent |
Comments |
女學言行纂 |
685 |
2 vols. |
女仙外史 |
146 |
12 vols. |
Colloquial tales with a double meaning |
女才子傳 |
4 vols. |
Rather colloquial, print [...] |
女兒經 |
A pamphlet |
女科經綸 |
584 |
4 vols. |
Medical |
女訓 |
748 |
1 vol. |
女溺圖 |
827 |
1 vol. |
Nung 農
Title |
Number |
Extent |
Comments |
濃情快史 |
322 |
4 vols. |
O 阿
Title |
Number |
Extent |
Comments |
阿彌陀經 |
881, 894 |
1 vol. |
阿字無禪...錄 |
814 |
1 vol. |
Pă 八
Title |
Number |
Extent |
Comments |
八識略說 |
667 |
1 vol. |
Mystical book |
八師經 |
1 thin vol. |
Against lewds drunks &c |
八才子 |
257 |
Pae 敗
Title |
Number |
Extent |
Comments |
稗海 |
27 |
66 vols. |
A Collection of books published between AD300-1300 |
排律金針 |
1 vol. |
Poetry |
Păng 崩
Title |
Number |
Extent |
Comments |
彭邦奏文 |
230 |
楞嚴集註 |
725 |
5 vols. |
楞嚴正脈 |
753 |
6 vols. |
楞嚴經 |
768 |
3 vols. |
楞嚴集註 |
771 |
5 vols. |
楞伽心印 |
774 |
Paou 包
Title |
Number |
Extent |
Comments |
寶氏全書 |
7 vols. |
Medical |
寶氏外科 |
6 vols. |
寶訓筆說 |
3 vols. |
保甲條款稿 |
228 |
寶訓筆說 |
682, 772 |
3 vols. |
保命妙經 |
856 |
1 vol. |
寶善編 |
825 |
2 vols. |
Pe 比
Title |
Number |
Extent |
Comments |
比丘戒本 |
804, 720, 815 |
2 vols. |
Precepts for the order of priests |
比丘尼戒 |
676 |
1 vol. |
Rules for nuns |
秘書二十種 |
20 vols. |
比目魚 |
89 |
2 vols. |
Play |
圖註合編 |
546 |
6 vols. |
Pëen 片
Title |
Number |
Extent |
Comments |
便元集 |
558 |
2 vols. |
1st moral, 2nd medical |
辨證集 |
193 |
12 vols. |
Medical |
篇海 |
239 |
10 vols. |
駢字類編 |
4 |
駢體正宗 |
127 |
6 vols. |
Pei 柸
Title |
Number |
Extent |
Comments |
佩文韻府 |
2 |
131 vols. |
Dictionary of quotations |
Pĭh 白
Title |
Number |
Extent |
Comments |
白圭志 (第八才子) |
406 |
4 vols. |
百美圖 |
4 vols. |
百交全書 |
517 |
1 vol. |
Medical |
百問 |
571 |
2 vols. |
Medical |
拍案驚奇 |
446 |
6 vols. |
百三名家 |
13 |
64 vols. |
百中經 |
102 |
(1 vol.) |
百美新詠 |
108 |
4 vols. |
百家姓註 |
123 |
1 vol. |
白衣觀世音經 |
893 |
1 vol. |
白衣心經 |
819 |
1 vol. |
Ping 丙
Title |
Number |
Extent |
Comments |
平山冷燕 (第四才子) |
350 |
4 vols. |
Not colloquial, cautionary story |
平旦鐘聲 |
831 |
1 vol. |
平妖傳 |
288 |
10 vols. |
A good type, not colloquial |
平易方 |
548 |
6 vols. |
Medical |
平苗紀略‧欽定 |
24 vols. |
兵錄 |
20 vols. |
Military affairs (Not) |
駢字類編 |
240 vols. |
駢字類珠 |
4 vols. |
Containing parallel phrases or words &c for the aid of versifiers |
Po 波
Title |
Number |
Extent |
Comments |
波羅蜜經 |
867 |
婆羅岸傳 |
407 |
4 vols. |
Licentious novel |
Pŏ 泊
Title |
Number |
Extent |
Comments |
駁案成篇 |
駁案 |
48 vols. |
博物志 |
81 |
20 vols. |
駁案新編總目 |
55 |
2 vols. |
博古圖 |
25 |
34 vols. |
博通便覽 |
253 |
6 vols. |
Poo 布
Title |
Number |
Extent |
Comments |
普善同登 |
1 vol. |
Moral |
菩薩戒 |
751 |
2 vols. |
普門品經 |
888, 873 |
1 vol. |
Pun 本
Title |
Number |
Extent |
Comments |
本草綱目 |
602 |
41 vols. |
本草求真 |
522 |
13 vols., duplicate |
本艸備要 or 本草 or 艸醫方合編 |
916 [502] |
5 vols. & 3 odd vols. |
A sort of pharmacopea |
本艸彙言 |
493 |
8 vols. |
本草從新 |
500 |
7 vols. |
本草原始 |
530 |
4 vols. |
本草類方 |
501 |
10 vols. |
本事方 |
551 |
4 vols. |
Medical |
Pwan 半
Title |
Number |
Extent |
Comments |
番禺縣志 |
80 |
13 vols. |
San 三
Title |
Number |
Extent |
Comments |
三國志(第一才子) |
Historical novel, good style |
三才子 or 玉嬌梨 |
255 |
4 vols. |
Colloquial, tolerable story |
三教源流 |
3 vols. |
Rise & progress of the three sects |
三才圖會 |
21 |
51 vols. |
An encyclopedia of wooden cuts with some illustrations |
三極仙人命理卦理 |
711 |
1 vol. |
On fortune-telling |
三禮圖 |
91 |
2 vols. |
With cuts |
三字經註 |
121 |
1 vol. |
三世書 |
272 |
三字歌 |
458 |
1 vol. |
三教擇錄 |
750 |
1 vol. |
三千佛 |
859 |
3 vols. |
三元懺 |
858 |
2 vols. |
三仙卦 |
822 |
1 vol. |
三官大帝真經 |
821 |
1 vol. |
三千佛名 |
3 vols. |
三元賜福經 |
1 vol. |
Book of the Taou sect |
三官北斗延生保命真經 |
824 |
1 vol. |
Taou sect |
三官妙經 |
610 |
1 vol. |
Taou sect |
三元甲子 |
151 |
3 vols. |
Chronology |
三極仙人陰騭文 |
1 vol. |
三極仙人地理 |
823 |
1 vol. |
三國志 |
185 |
20 vols. |
三山論學記 |
1 vol. |
Roman Catholic |
三教源流 |
3 vols. |
三才秘發 |
192 |
8 vols. |
三科輯要 |
2 vols. |
三才子 |
3 vols. |
Săng 生
Title |
Number |
Extent |
Comments |
生草藥性 |
603 |
Canton herbal pamphlet |
Se 西
Title |
Number |
Extent |
Comments |
西遊記 |
400 |
4 vols. |
Bad print, story of a priest going to the west |
西遊記 |
20 vols. |
A novel |
西廂 or 六才子 |
354 |
6 vols. |
A novel, good print, licentious |
西方公據 |
731, 116 |
1 vol. |
Sect Budh, with cuts |
洗冤錄 |
429 |
2 vols. |
Details as to the mode of examaining wounds |
西湖志 |
83 |
20 vols. |
西番譯語 |
276 |
4 vols. |
A vocabulary in a language unknown to me |
西洋記 |
145 |
20 vols. |
西游記 |
310 |
西番譯言 |
443 |
4 vols. |
Tabetian & Chinese vocabulary |
洗心輯要 |
611 |
1 vol. |
洗心輯要 |
792 |
西遊地球 |
836 |
1 vol. |
Seaou 小
Title |
Number |
Extent |
Comments |
小學體註大成 |
(小學孝經註 4 vols., 小學 5 vols.) 4 vols., 5 copies at Canton |
笑林廣記 |
224 |
4 vols. |
Best book, not colloquial |
小止觀 |
776 |
1 vol. |
Intelligible account of Budhism |
消災懺法 |
897 |
3 vols. |
消災懺法 |
872 |
10 vols. |
消夏錄 |
349 |
3 vols. |
小學正文 |
431 |
4 vols. |
小倉山房尺牘 |
477 |
2 vols. |
消災懺法 |
872 |
10 vols. |
Seay 些
Title |
Number |
Extent |
Comments |
謝罪大懺 |
874 |
10 vols. |
Title |
Number |
Extent |
Comments |
屑玉 |
2 vols. |
Poetry |
薛氏鐘鼎 |
914 |
4 vols. |
薛氏醫案 |
596 |
40 vols. |
Medical |
Sëen 先
Title |
Number |
Extent |
Comments |
仙指集 |
516 |
4 vols. |
暹羅譯語 |
277 |
先天易數 |
290 |
Seĭh 夕
Title |
Number |
Extent |
Comments |
昔柳撫談 |
282 |
4 vols. |
Seu 須
Title |
Number |
Extent |
Comments |
徐三種 |
755 |
1 vol. |
Seuĕ 雪
Title |
Number |
Extent |
Comments |
雪中人 |
1 vol. |
Title |
Number |
Extent |
Comments |
選僧圖 |
818 |
a small vol. |
On chiromancy |
Sew 秀
Title |
Number |
Extent |
Comments |
修淨土捷經 |
"A short way or road by which to prepare for the pure land", a small & curious tract of the Budh sect |
修心訣 |
736 |
1 vol. |
秀才秘籥 |
456 |
1 vol. |
繡虎軒尺牘 |
470 |
8 vols. |
Sha 沙
Title |
Number |
Extent |
Comments |
沙門日用 |
727 |
1 vol. |
Contains much information about the Budh sect |
沙彌律 |
614 |
1 vol. |
Good style, illustration of precepts |
Shan 山
Title |
Number |
Extent |
Comments |
山海經 |
326 |
3 vols. |
Fabulous animals |
山谷全書 |
37 |
40 vols. |
山河兩戒考 |
139 |
4 vols. |
Shang 上
Title |
Number |
Extent |
Comments |
傷寒六書 |
574 |
2 vols. |
Medical |
傷寒精法 |
536 |
4 vols. |
Medical |
傷寒論 |
583 |
4 vols. |
傷寒來蘇 |
575 |
6 vols. |
尚論篇 |
281 |
5 vols. |
賞奇四種 |
110 |
4 vols. |
傷醫大全 |
598 |
40 vols. |
She 尸
Title |
Number |
Extent |
Comments |
詩經 |
433 |
See 五經 |
詩法 or 活法大成 |
10 vols. |
詩韻釋略 |
155 |
1 vol. |
Old dictionary |
五經體註 |
126 |
4 vols. |
世途境 |
389 |
2 vols. |
Bad print |
氏姓譜 |
119 vols. |
Biography |
詩賦駢字類珠 |
63 |
4 vols. |
詩賦全集 |
233 |
1 vol. |
史記論 |
197 |
16 vols. |
Remarks on history |
詩經讀本 |
267 |
詩賦駢事類珠 |
877 |
施食儀 |
784 |
詩品詩課鈔 |
841 |
1 vol. |
施食儀 |
1 vol. |
With prints on dispersing food to hungry demons, the rites performed at the 超幽 |
Shĕ 舌
Title |
Number |
Extent |
Comments |
攝生總要 |
604 |
8 small vols. |
On Medicine and rules for sexual intercourse, with a list of aphrodisiac drugs |
拾遺方 |
3 vols. |
Medical |
攝生總要 |
8 vols. |
Rules for health & conjugal intercourse |
Shen 善
Title |
Number |
Extent |
Comments |
禪師語錄 |
786 |
2 vols. |
Discourses of a chief priest |
禪門日誦 |
684 |
1 vol. |
Daily service for priests, some definitions |
禪林寶訓 |
785 |
3 vols. |
An intelligible book of the Budh sect |
善慶錄 |
844 |
1 vol. |
禪真後史 |
10 vols. |
Continued story, rather colloquial |
Shĭh 十
Title |
Number |
Extent |
Comments |
十二樓 |
402 |
6 vols. |
Stories, colloquial |
十種曲 |
304 |
10 vols. |
Songs & plays, opera |
釋迦如來成道記 |
1 vol. |
十王懺法 |
863 |
3 vols. |
十子(三十本)老子 |
30 vols. |
釋門疏式 |
754 |
4 vols. |
石點頭 |
370 |
6 vols. |
Colloquial story, coarse, large |
十誡聖蹟勸論 |
3 vols. |
Roman Catholic book |
食物本草 |
6 vols. |
十三經注疏 |
9 |
110 vols. |
十八朝 |
506 |
4 vols. |
Medical |
石寶秘錄 |
6 vols. |
Medical |
食物會纂 |
510 |
4 vols. |
十七史商榷 |
156 |
14 vols. |
Remarks on history |
十竹齋書畫譜 |
16 vols. |
十三經十七史 |
1 |
282 vols. |
十處譯語 |
128 |
10 vols. |
拾遺方 |
550 |
3 vols. |
石室秘錄 |
570 |
6 vols. |
Shin 申
Title |
Number |
Extent |
Comments |
蜃樓志 |
6 vols. |
Respecting a Hong merchant, obscene |
神仙通鑒 |
56 |
39 vols. |
神聖寶訓 |
911 |
1 vol. |
Moral essays |
神相全編 |
86 |
10 vols. |
On physiognomy |
申焦帕記 |
1 vol. |
宸垣識略 |
298 |
Shing 升
Title |
Number |
Extent |
Comments |
聖諭 |
631 |
1, 2 & 3 vols. |
There are large and small editions |
聖廟志 |
739 |
4 vols. |
Memoirs of Confucius & of the sect |
聖教袖珍日課 |
4 vols. |
Roman Catholic book |
聖體要理 |
1 vol. |
Roman Catholic book |
聖蹟圖 |
2 vols. |
聖經篆彙 |
5 vols. |
聖經彙纂 |
655 |
5 vols. |
聖訓論文 |
747 |
1 vol. |
Shoo 殊
Title |
Number |
Extent |
Comments |
殊域周咨 |
333 |
12 vols. |
Accounts of foreign countries |
珠批文選 |
196 |
12 vols. |
書法準繩 |
605 |
1 vol. |
Show 手
Title |
Number |
Extent |
Comments |
守王復齋鐘鼎 |
1 vol. |
壽世保元 |
538 |
10 vols., duplicate |
Medical |
壽世傳真 |
691 |
2 vols. |
Shwang 爽
Title |
Number |
Extent |
Comments |
雙經錄 |
902 |
1 thin vol. |
雙鳳奇緣 |
313 |
雙鴛祠 |
315 |
雙魚摘錦 |
465 |
2 vols. |
Shwŏ 說
Title |
Number |
Extent |
Comments |
說岳全傳 |
6 (& 10) vols. |
Colloquial, continued story |
說唐後傳 |
356 |
11 vols. |
Historical novel, colloquial |
說文繫傳 |
198 |
12 vols. |
說文解字 |
74 |
說鈴 |
363 |
12 vols. |
說岳 |
392 |
10 vols. |
說文 |
423 |
8 vols. |
Shwŭy 水
Title |
Number |
Extent |
Comments |
水滸傳 or 五才子 |
436 |
20 vols. |
Colloquial, tolerable type |
水懺 |
712 |
1 vol. |
Prayers |
Sĭh 色
Title |
Number |
Extent |
Comments |
色戒錄 |
675 |
1 vol. |
Sin 心
Title |
Number |
Extent |
Comments |
信心錄 |
801 |
11 vols. |
Moral essay |
新增大清律例 |
40 vols. |
新齋諧 |
335 |
10 vols. |
新世鴻勳 |
369 |
4 vols. |
心經直指 |
693 |
1 vol. |
Sing 姓
Title |
Number |
Extent |
Comments |
醒世恒言 |
148 |
10 vols. |
Novel, quite colloquial, tolerable type |
性命圭旨 or 萬神圭旨 |
203 |
4 vols. quarto, duplicate |
With cuts, to improve the health by a sort of alchemy |
性理大全 |
59 |
30 vols., large copy 90 vols. |
性天真境 |
1 vol. |
Moral essays |
省心集 |
722 |
1 vol. |
姓譜 |
11 |
120 vols. |
Title |
Number |
Extent |
Comments |
素書註 |
781 |
a thin vol. |
On ethics |
蘇珥兩論四書 |
8 vols. |
See 安舟 |
數理精蘊 |
15 |
96 vols. |
蘇黃尺牘 |
467 |
4 vols. |
Sow 叟
Title |
Number |
Extent |
Comments |
搜神記 |
641 |
3 vols. |
Theological researches, accounts of various divinities, about AD350, also called 搜神大全 and 三教源流 |
Sŭh 俗
Title |
Number |
Extent |
Comments |
續纂六部處分則例 |
32 vols. |
Sung 松
Title |
Number |
Extent |
Comments |
宋本玉篇 |
174 |
8 vols. |
A Dictionary of the Sung dynasty |
嵩崖尊生 |
582 |
8 vols. |
Medical |
宋王鐘鼎 |
221 |
1 vol. |
Suy 綏
Title |
Number |
Extent |
Comments |
隋唐演義 |
367 |
4 vols. |
Historical novel, rather colloquial |
Swan 算
Title |
Number |
Extent |
Comments |
算法 |
291 |
6 vols. |
Arithmetic &c |
Sze 士
Title |
Number |
Extent |
Comments |
四書正文 |
5 vols. |
Text of the Four Books |
四書白文 |
97 |
5 vols. |
四書註 |
100 |
6 vols. |
Commentary paraphrase |
四書經註 |
101 |
18 vols. |
四書合講 |
99 |
5 vols., 銅板 copy 6 vols., duplicate |
Paraphrase |
四書匯參 |
10 |
20 vols. |
A collection of opinions |
四書題鏡 |
98 |
10 vols. |
四庫全書 |
131 |
91 vols. |
四庫全書目錄 |
131½ |
9 vols. |
An account of certain books in the Imperial Library |
四才子 or 平山冷燕 |
四十二章經 |
762 |
1 vol. |
四分戒本 |
671 |
1 vol. |
The precepts delivered to priests |
四書經註集證 |
11 vols. |
士材三書 |
484 |
6 vols. |
Medical |
事文類聚 |
38 |
60 vols. |
四字金 |
103 |
2 vols. |
Ta 大
Title |
Number |
Extent |
Comments |
大悲咒 |
1 vol. |
Promises mercy, unconnected prayers, Imperial authority |
大悲懺法 |
688, 868 |
1 vol., duplicate |
Forms of prayer published by Imperial authority |
大清律例 |
52 |
40 vols., large size 23 vols. |
Laws of China |
大方廣佛華嚴懺 |
878 |
On the last three words, a form of prayer of the Budh sect |
大阿彌陀經 |
1 vol. |
大悲神咒心經 |
840 |
大悲神咒黃袋 |
904 |
大乘陀羅尼經 |
大佛頂楞嚴咒 |
大方廣佛華嚴經 |
740 |
16 vols. |
大清一統志 |
240 vols. |
Taken back by Dr. M. [Kidd's annotation ?] |
大清律例 |
40 vols., old copy 24 vols. |
大金國志 |
78 |
4 vols. |
大清會典 |
132 |
40 vols. |
大悲心咒 |
896 |
1 vol. |
大洞經 |
1 vol. |
A Book of the Taou sect |
大竹齋 |
106 |
16 vols. |
大彌陀經 |
621 |
大清聖訓 |
444 |
10 vols. |
大六壬 |
448 |
13 vols. |
Fortune telling |
大清通禮 |
190 |
8 vols. |
Tă 達
Title |
Number |
Extent |
Comments |
達生編 |
511, 607 |
1 vol. |
Directions for lying in women |
Tae 台
Title |
Number |
Extent |
Comments |
太上三元...經 |
1 vol. |
Taou sect |
太上感應篇 |
1 vol. |
太平廣記 |
54 |
52 vols. |
太平寰宇 |
17 |
60 vols. |
geographical book |
太上玄門功課 |
734 |
1 vol. |
Tan 丹
Title |
Number |
Extent |
Comments |
貪歡報 |
8 vols., duplicate |
Colloquial, the punishment of a love of pleasure, bad print |
壇經 |
909 |
1 vol. |
丹桂籍 |
394 |
4 vols. |
Moral essays |
丹桂秋香籍 |
2 vols. |
Against lewdness |
檀策牋註 |
211 |
4 vols. |
Antiquities |
丹溪心法 |
601 |
12 vols. |
Medical |
丹方彙編 |
591 |
3 vols. |
Medical |
蟫史 |
362 |
10 vols. |
A novel, colloquial |
談徵 |
412 |
5 vols. |
Tang 堂
Title |
Number |
Extent |
Comments |
唐韻 |
92 |
9 vols. |
唐詩箋註 |
143 |
6 vols., a copy 3 vols. |
唐詩合解 |
357 |
5 vols. |
唐代叢書 |
263 |
36 vols. |
唐詩合解 |
5 vols. |
唐詩 |
232 |
Tăng 疼
Title |
Number |
Extent |
Comments |
燈謎雅集 |
642 |
Pamphlet, riddles |
登壇必究 |
48 vols. |
On Military affairs (Not) |
Taou 刀
Title |
Number |
Extent |
Comments |
道學家傳 |
Roman Catholic book, epitome of history, memoirs of the missionaries in China, &c |
道德經 |
816, 649, 606 |
2 vols. |
Mysterious discourses on the origin of things & virtue. Canton copy a useful preface |
道門定制 |
4 vols. |
Forms of spells &c of the sect Taou |
桃花影 |
317 |
4 vols. |
A low obscene novel, bad print |
陶淵明文集 |
487 |
3 vols. |
檮杌閒評 |
252 |
18 vols. |
Colloquial |
道言內外五種秘錄 |
707, 677 |
4 vols. |
Taou sect |
桃花扇 |
461 |
4 vols. |
道場懺法 |
869, 864 |
10 vols. |
Te 地
Title |
Number |
Extent |
Comments |
地藏本願 |
883 |
2 vols. |
帝君遏慾訓註證 |
687 |
1 vol. |
地理尋源 |
620 |
1 vol. |
On seeking a good grave |
第八才子花箋 |
4 vols. |
Partly metere |
天花藏‧第七才子 |
4 vols. |
Colloquial, bad type, novel |
地理辨正 |
234 |
2 vols. |
地球聞見略 |
1 vol. |
第二稗 |
1 vol. |
第一奇書 |
314 |
地學 |
454 |
2 vol. |
帝君書鈔 |
617 |
1 vol. |
地藏經 |
866, 877 |
2 vols. |
地行寶懺 |
876 |
10 vols. |
Teaou 弔
Title |
Number |
Extent |
Comments |
條例 |
4 vols. |
Tëen 天
Title |
Number |
Extent |
Comments |
天王經 |
852 |
1 thin vol. |
天然訓略 |
764 |
1 vol. |
Rules for priests |
天中北斗...經 |
884 |
1 vol. |
天后傳 |
115 |
1 vol. |
With cuts |
天文大成 |
22 |
40 vols. |
天主十戒全 |
1 vol. |
Roman Catholic book |
天主降生聖經真解 |
8 vols. |
Sent to Malacca [Kidd's annotation ?] |
天花精言 |
534 |
4 vols. |
Medical |
天元曆理 |
210 |
6 vols. |
天下地輿圖 |
478 |
1 vol. |
Ting 丁
Title |
Number |
Extent |
Comments |
鼎鐘字彙 |
2 vols. |
To 多
Title |
Number |
Extent |
Comments |
多識集 |
6 vols. |
Tales of fidelity, filial piety &c |
陀羅尼經 |
612, 879 |
1 thin vol. |
陀羅尼說 |
900 |
Ditto, with a print of Budh's mother |
妥註六才子書 |
6 vols. |
Bad print. See 西廂 |
Too 土
Title |
Number |
Extent |
Comments |
度生公案 |
260 |
3 vols. |
Sort of Newgate Calend [??], not colloquial |
圖註合編平 |
6 vols. |
Medical, with cuts |
Tow 斗
Title |
Number |
Extent |
Comments |
豆棚閒話 |
417 |
2 vols. |
Tales |
斗母經 |
694 |
a vol. |
Of the Taou sect |
斗母經闡微 |
1 vol. |
痘科扼要 |
505 |
2 vols. |
On small pox |
痘科類編 |
513 |
2 vols. |
痘疹秘要 |
2 vols. |
痘疹正宗 |
567 |
2 vols. |
痘癥精言 |
495 |
2 vols. |
痘疹定論 |
512 |
2 vols. |
Medical |
痘科大全 |
A little book in M.S. |
竇氏全書 |
578 |
7 vols. |
斗懺 |
860 |
2 vols. |
Tsae 才
Title |
Number |
Extent |
Comments |
菜根譚 |
650 |
1 vol. |
Ethics |
才子 |
Genius, works of, they reckon 10, of which the 三國志 is the first |
采風敷教 |
A pamphlet on Government |
采艾編 |
566 |
4 vols. |
Medical |
Tsan 殘
Title |
Number |
Extent |
Comments |
讚本 |
714 |
1 vol. |
參同契 |
698 |
1 vol. |
Taou sect |
壇經 |
802 |
1 vol. |
Tsang 倉
Title |
Number |
Extent |
Comments |
蒼生司命 |
572 |
4 vols. |
See 醫 |
Tsăng 曾
Title |
Number |
Extent |
Comments |
增訂敬信錄 |
842 |
5 vols., 3 vols. duplicate in Canton |
A new edition with additions of the King su luh |
增切直音 |
668 |
Pronounciation of words in the Budh books |
增廣覺世編 |
790 |
1 vol. |
Moral essays & memoirs of pious persons |
增補算法統宗全書 |
5 vols. |
增補通考 |
264 |
2 vols. |
爭春園 |
321 |
8 vols. |
Tsaou 早
Title |
Number |
Extent |
Comments |
艸木春秋 |
4 vols. |
Large print, nearly coloquial |
草韻彙編 |
75 |
5 vols. |
草字彙 |
70 |
6 vols. |
草木春秋 |
371 |
4 vols. |
艸字彙 |
70 |
Tse 祭
Title |
Number |
Extent |
Comments |
濟顛大師醉菩提 |
4 vols. |
Colloquial |
濟急方 |
537 |
4 vols. |
Medical |
濟眾新編 |
589 |
4 vols. |
Medical |
濟陰綱目 |
542 |
6 vols. |
Medical |
Tseang 匠
Title |
Number |
Extent |
Comments |
祥刑經解 |
1 vol. |
詳註書稟尺牘 |
4 vols. |
Letters &c |
Tsëĕ 妾
Title |
Number |
Extent |
Comments |
切要錄 |
800 |
6 vols. |
Tsëen 千
Title |
Number |
Extent |
Comments |
千手眼大悲心咒懺法 |
1 vol. |
Prints |
千家詩 |
2 vols. |
千金翼方 |
552 |
10 vols. |
Medical |
錢氏小兒 |
588 |
2 vols. |
千金衍義 |
590 |
24 vols. |
Medical |
剪燈間話 |
351 |
4 vols. |
千字文 |
122 |
Child's book, 篆法, pamphlet |
千字文草法 |
329 |
千佛名經 |
887 |
3 vols. |
Tseĭh 即
Title |
Number |
Extent |
Comments |
積古齋鐘鼎 |
73 |
4 vols. |
七巧圖 |
1 vol. |
Illustration of the Chi puzzle |
集驗良方 |
521 |
6 vols. |
Medical |
集古良方 |
527 |
4 vols. |
Medical |
七才子 |
256 |
4 vols. |
緝古算經 |
681 |
1 vol. |
集福寶懺 |
857 |
1 vol. |
集福消禍編 |
845 |
2 vols. |
Tseuen 全
Title |
Number |
Extent |
Comments |
全人矩矱 |
4 vols. |
Chinese whole duty of man |
全書 |
504 |
1 vol. |
Tsew 囚
Title |
Number |
Extent |
Comments |
秋坪新語 |
287 |
6 vols. |
Short stories, not colloquial |
秋香藉 |
757 |
2 vols. |
Tsĭh 則
Title |
Number |
Extent |
Comments |
則例 |
170 |
32 vols. |
A law book |
Tsin 侵
Title |
Number |
Extent |
Comments |
搢紳 |
226 |
5 vols. |
The red book |
Tsing 井
Title |
Number |
Extent |
Comments |
情史 |
340 |
12 vols. |
History of sexual intercourse, regular & irregular, bestial; demoniacal &c |
淨土十要 |
615, 813 |
1 vol. |
On Buddhism, the immediate disciples of Buddha 1250 p.16. The Lo-han P.17. At the end contains a list of some religious books & the prices |
淨土或問 |
717 |
1 vol. |
On the same subject as the preceding |
淨土聖賢錄 |
728 |
3 vols. |
Legends of the saints |
清文彙書 |
162 |
12 vols., 2 copies |
清文鑒 |
160 |
40 vols., 1 copy 46 vols. |
清唱 |
13 vols. |
清書指南 |
161 |
20 vols. |
情夢柝 |
4 vols. |
Novel |
澄海縣志 |
8 vols. |
靜耘齋 |
515 |
8 vols. |
Medical |
清文四書 |
24 vols. |
清文啟蒙 |
2 vols. |
清文字頭 |
1 vol. |
靖逆記 |
61 |
2 vols. |
清漢對音 |
164 |
1 vol. |
情夢柝 |
311 |
請仙符咒 |
480 |
1 vol. |
淨土王經 |
752 |
1 vol. |
淨土文 |
791 |
Tso 左
Title |
Number |
Extent |
Comments |
左傳 |
10 vols. |
Tsoo 祖
Title |
Number |
Extent |
Comments |
初參要訣 |
656, 901 |
1 thin vol. |
good |
初集啟蒙 |
93 |
20 vols. |
On fine writing |
初學入門 |
330 |
初學明鏡 |
331 |
初學登龍 |
345 |
4 vols. |
Title |
Number |
Extent |
Comments |
尊生 |
545 |
20 vols. |
Medical |
Tsung 宗
Title |
Number |
Extent |
Comments |
崇行錄 |
689 |
1 vol. |
Examples of [...] virtues |
Tsuy 崒
Title |
Number |
Extent |
Comments |
最勝經 |
865, 898 |
10 vols. |
[...] book of the Buddha sect |
醉醒奇觀 |
306 |
5 vols. |
Not colloquial, chiefly war |
醉菩提 |
376 |
4 vols. |
Tsze 子
Title |
Number |
Extent |
Comments |
字典 |
Dictionary |
字彙 |
147 |
14 vols. |
Ditto |
慈悲道場懺法 |
10 vols. |
Prayers for the penitent in hell & on earth, description of the damned |
資治通鑒 |
By 司馬光 |
慈悲懺 |
847, 647 |
3 vols. |
資生集 |
559 |
1 vol. |
Rules for childbearing |
子史精華 |
53 |
50 vols. |
Extracts in short parallel, on many subjects |
字林異同通攷 |
629 |
2 vols. |
慈雲走國 |
426 |
8 vols. |
紫釵記 |
205 |
2 vols. |
資治新書 |
243 |
資治新書二集 |
12 vols. |
詞鏡 |
323 |
慈心寶鑒 |
749 |
1 vol. |
Tŭh 毒
Title |
Number |
Extent |
Comments |
讀史論略 |
2 vols. |
督捕則例 |
265 |
1 vol. |
讀書作文譜 |
2 vols. |
(Want) |
竇氏外科 |
579 |
6 vols. |
Tung 冬
Title |
Number |
Extent |
Comments |
通鑒綱目 |
19 |
100 vols. |
Annals of China from Fuh-he to Sung, by Choo foo tsze |
東西洋考 |
137 |
4 vols. |
東華錄 |
94 |
16 vols. |
M.S. history of the Ta Tsing dynasty |
東周列國 |
186 |
24 vols. |
通天曉 |
359 |
5 vols. |
Miscellany of art |
東漢集 |
106 vols. |
東醫寶鑒 |
597 |
25 vols., duplicate |
東桓十書 |
499 |
12 vols. |
Medical |
洞天奧旨 |
557 |
5 vols. |
Medical |
銅人圖 |
4 vols. |
Large anatomical cuts |
銅版四書合講 |
6 vols. |
1 dollar |
通正書敘 |
66 |
3 vols. |
同文千字 |
71 |
2 vols. |
同音字鑒 |
77 |
20 vols. |
同人尺牘 |
472 |
4 vols. |
Title |
Number |
Extent |
Comments |
二才子 or 好逑傳 |
Pleasing History |
爾雅 |
112 |
3 quarto vols. |
An ancient book of definitions with wood cuts |
爾雅 |
336 |
二十四孝圖贊 |
1 vol. |
二度梅傳 |
6 vols. |
Tale of a Mandarin family |
二十一史 |
282 vols. |
二十一種秘書 |
See 秘 |
二十四史統紀全表 |
2 boxes. |
二十四史沿革全表 |
49 |
1 box. |
二十四史疆全表 |
1 box |
16 dollars, 24 vols. [for the above three items] |
貳度梅 |
254 |
6 vols. |
廿一種秘書 |
410 |
Wae 外
Title |
Number |
Extent |
Comments |
外科正宗 |
494 |
6 vols. |
Medical |
外科全生 |
535 |
2 vols. |
Medical |
Title |
Number |
Extent |
Comments |
萬善同歸 |
788 |
2 vols. |
A religious book, rather mysterious, an Imperial [...] |
萬寶全書 |
645 |
6 vols. |
新增萬寶全書 |
2 vols. |
萬神圭旨 or 性命圭旨 |
488 |
4 vols. |
萬壽僊書 |
341 |
3 vols. |
Medical |
晚笑堂 |
3 vols. of cuts |
萬病回春 |
514 |
8 vols. |
萬氏婦科 |
531 |
1 vol. |
萬姓統譜 |
120 vols. |
萬壽錦聯 |
658 |
Pamphlet |
萬壽盛典 |
23 |
60 vols. |
文公家禮 |
432 |
4 vols. |
萬法 |
616 |
8 vols. |
Wăn 文
Title |
Number |
Extent |
Comments |
文選 |
303 |
16 vols. |
文章游戲 |
353 |
4 vols. |
Varieties of literature, a light book |
文昌化書 |
742 |
2 vols. |
文昌帝君繪像寶訓 |
2 vols. |
文昌帝君陰騭文近徵錄 |
1 vol. |
文公家禮 |
6 vols. |
文獻通考 |
90 |
16 vols. |
文章 |
332 |
16 vols. |
瘟疫論類編 |
541 |
6 vols. |
Medical |
瘟疫論 |
561 |
2 vols. |
晚笑堂 |
107 |
3 vols. |
文範初編 |
269 |
文昌孝經 |
634 |
文昌靈驗記 |
636 |
文昌繪像 |
743 |
2 vols. |
Title |
Number |
Extent |
Comments |
王叔師集 |
106 vols. |
See 東漢集 |
王氏墨譜 |
204 |
4 vols. |
王叔和圖註脈訣規正 |
4 vols. |
Medical |
汪素問 |
564 |
3 vols. |
Medical |
王叔和 |
482 |
4 vols. |
Wei 為
Title |
Number |
Extent |
Comments |
維摩詰經 |
767 |
1 vol. |
Conversations between Budh & the other gods |
維摩詰 |
維摩說經 |
775, 806 |
2 vols. |
Same with notes |
溈山警策 |
773 |
1 vol. |
Exhortations |
Woo 五
Title |
Number |
Extent |
Comments |
五經句解 |
347 |
10 vols. |
五經(欽定五經) |
6 |
100 vols. |
五車韻府 |
10 vols. |
Dictionary arranged according to the tones |
五虎平南 |
375 |
6 vols. |
Tales of battles, colloquial |
無稽讕語 |
307 |
5 vols. |
五鳳吟 |
419 |
4 vols. |
Licentious |
五才子 or 水滸傳 |
259 |
無上正覺金剛經 |
699 |
1 vol. |
Cuts, mixes Taou & Budh |
無雙譜 |
2 vols. |
Drawings of men |
五雅全書 |
6 vols. |
武功紀盛 |
418 |
2 vols. |
五經魁文章‧嘉慶己卯 |
Pamphlet. |
五經集字 |
1 vol. |
吳氏彙講 |
2 vols. |
Medical |
武經秘旨 |
430 |
4 vols. |
悟真篇二註參同契 |
697 |
3 vols. |
A book of the Taou sect |
五經類編 |
10 vols. |
(Want) |
五禮通考 |
47 |
89 vols. |
五色古文淵鑒 |
48 |
36 vols. |
舞劍傳 |
173 |
4 vols. |
吳醫彙講 |
496 |
2 vols. |
Yang 羊
Title |
Number |
Extent |
Comments |
羊城古鈔 |
124 |
5 vols. |
Antiquities of the town of Canton |
瘍醫大全 |
40 vols. |
Medical |
揚子方言 |
295 |
4 vols. |
仰山堂遺集 |
344 |
1 vol. |
Yay 也
Title |
Number |
Extent |
Comments |
夜譚隨錄 |
6 vols. |
A story book |
夜談隨錄 |
420 |
12 vols. |
Yĕ 謁
Title |
Number |
Extent |
Comments |
葉氏醫案 |
592 |
12 vols. |
See 臨 |
Yen 言
Title |
Number |
Extent |
Comments |
眼科龍木論 |
509 |
2 vols. |
眼科大全 |
490 |
6 vols. |
眼海 |
2 vols. |
Medical |
鹽鐵論 |
220 |
2 vols. |
言行紀略 |
913 |
2 vols. |
Yew 尤
Title |
Number |
Extent |
Comments |
幼學箋註 |
2 vols. |
幼科指南 |
532 |
2 vols. |
Medical |
幼幼集成 |
440, 508 |
3 vols. |
Medical |
Yĭh 乙
Title |
Number |
Extent |
Comments |
一夕話 |
261 |
4 vols. |
Short stories of ghosts, colloquial |
易經 |
87 |
2 vols. |
Northern copy |
一盤珠 |
549 |
4 vols. |
Medical |
易音 |
72 |
1 vol. |
亦復如是 |
283 |
8 vols. |
一片石絃秋 |
1 vol. |
易堂問目 |
2 vols. |
1/4 dollar |
易研 |
905 |
8 vols. |
繹史 |
208 |
40 vols. |
History |
一掃三賢 |
643 |
Yin 因
Title |
Number |
Extent |
Comments |
飲香尺牘 |
4 vols. |
Forms of letters |
陰騭文 |
793 |
2 vols., also 5 vols. |
Stories of unostentatious benevolence, with cuts |
陰騭詩箋 |
670 |
2 vols., ditto 1 vol. |
因果實錄 |
625, 721 |
1 vol. |
Examples of retribution |
陰騭文儒宗 |
849 |
1 vol. |
蟫史 |
10 vols. |
See Tan |
音學五書 |
207 |
12 vols. |
音學詩經 |
178 |
6 vols. |
音漢清文鑒 |
169 |
8 vols. |
銀海 |
533 |
2 vols. |
Ying 央
Title |
Number |
Extent |
Comments |
英烈後傳 |
4 vols. (lost), 3 vols. |
Coarse, bad print, not legible |
英雲夢 |
368 |
4 vols. |
A story, large type, colloquial |
英雄譜 |
200 |
20 vols. |
Containing 三國 & 水滸 |
影響論 |
632 |
Yŏ 約
Title |
Number |
Extent |
Comments |
藥性賦 |
497 |
2 vols. |
Medical |
藥師琉璃光如來本願功德經 |
895 |
One of the board scrolls of the sect with a print, also called 藥師經 |
慾海慈航 |
1 vol. |
Against lewdness |
藥師懺法 |
837 |
3 vols. |
Yu 于
Title |
Number |
Extent |
Comments |
虞初續志 |
383 |
4 vols. |
Not quite colloquial, tales, print good |
盂蘭盆經‧佛說 |
1 vol. |
瑜伽集要 |
803 |
1 vol. |
Much the same as 施食 |
於潛志 |
84 |
8 vols. |
With cuts, Imperial pub., Chĕkeang |
禹貢會箋 |
140 |
3 vols. |
禹神圭旨 |
4 vols. |
御製增訂清文鑒 |
46 vols. |
御製耕織圖 |
1 vol. |
御定駢字類編 |
4 |
220 vols. |
語類 |
235 |
4 vols. |
御製全韻詩 |
297 |
禹貢水道 |
425 |
1 vol. |
Yŭh 玉
Title |
Number |
Extent |
Comments |
玉樓春 |
4 vols. |
Colloquial, bad print, vulgar book, continued story |
玉喬梨 or 三才子 |
6 vols. |
Colloquial |
玉支磯 |
413 |
4 vols. |
Novel |
玉皇經 |
766, 854 |
3 vols. |
Taou sect. See 高 |
玉皇經序 |
855 |
玉歷鈔傳警世 |
701 |
1 vol. |
玉歷鈔 |
798 |
玉玲瓏 |
273 |
玉匣記 |
396 |
2 vols. |
慾海慈航 |
427 |
3 vols. |
慾海慈航 |
608 |
1 vol. |
Yuĕ 曰
Title |
Number |
Extent |
Comments |
粵東筆記 |
428 |
4 vols. |
月令輯要 |
142 |
16 vols. |
月令粹編 |
453 |
8 vols. |
粵海關征收各項歸公銀兩更定則例 |
171 |
1 vol. in M.S. |
5 dollars |
粵東詩海 |
28 |
48 vols. |
粵東文海 |
29 |
52 vols. |
Yuen 元
Title |
Number |
Extent |
Comments |
元墨正宗 |
401 |
16 vols. |
淵鑒類函 |
3 |
139 vols. |
A sort of encyclopedia |
鴛鴦會 |
415 |
4 vols. |
Short stories, good type, not colloquial |
元人百種 |
43 |
A collection of plays, or rather operas, (many of the speeches being set to music) composed under the 元 dynasty |
圓覺直解 |
811, 702 |
2 vols. |
Rather mystical Budhism |
圓覺經 |
810 |
1 vol. |
原善 |
695 |
1 vol. |
Moral essays |
圜天圖說 |
241 |
元宰必讀書 |
820 |
1 vol. |
永嘉集 |
906 |
1 vol. |
Yun 云
Title |
Number |
Extent |
Comments |
雲棲遺稿 |
672 |
1 vol. |
Miscellaneous moralities |
韻對屑玉 |
338 |
2 vols. |
Remarks on characters for learners |
韻對屑玉 |
2 vols. |
New edition with additions |
雲林神彀 |
4 vols. |
Medical |
韻圃群芳 |
271 |
5 vols. |
韻賦拾遺 |
36 |
40 vols. |
雲泉隨札 |
455 |
1 vol. |
雲林彀 |
594 |
4 vol. |
Yung 用
Title |
Number |
Extent |
Comments |
永嘉集 |
779 |
1 vol. |
Exhortations of a shaman |
擁雙艷 |
133 |
6 vols. |
容齋五筆 or 容齋隨筆 |
60 |
14 vols. |
Miscellaneous essays, price 3 dollars |