Export Font Glyphs Dialog Box
This box allows you to export to file specified glyphs from any TrueType font installed on your system. The glyphs may be exported as Bitmap (.bmp), GIF (.gif), JPEG (.jpg) or Portable Network Graphic (.png) format.

- Font Name : All installed TrueType fonts are listed in this dropdown box, filtered according to the font options for BabelPad. Styled fonts (e.g. Italic, Bold and Bold Italic versions of fonts) are only listed if "List All Styles of Fonts" is selected for BabelPad. Choose the required font to export glyphs from by selecting one font from the dropdown box. By default the currently configured single font for BabelPad is preselected.
- Font Size : Select the font size of the font. The minimum allowed font size is 8 points, and the maximum fonts size is 480 points.
- Font Smoothing : Choose the font smoothing method from the dropdown box. Which method is best depends on the particular font and the font size. If the default smoothing does not give good results, try applying Standard or ClearType smoothing.
- Solid Glyph | Outline Glyph : Check the "Solid Glyph" button to export glyphs as solid filled images; or check the "Outline Glyph" button to export glyphs as unfilled outline images.
- framed : Check this button to add a one-pixel rectangular frame around each glyph.
- Background : Select the colour for the glyph backround (white by default).
- Fill / Line : Select the colour for the glyph fill if solid glyph or the glyph line if outline glyph (black by default).
- Set dimensions : The default dimensions of the exported glyph are based on the font metrics, but you can optionally specify the dimensions to use by checking this check box, and setting the width and height in pixels in the two edit boxes. The width and height may be set to any value between 1 and 999 pixels. For example, to produces images that are 128 × 128 pixels with a 96 point font, set both Width and Height to 128.
- Vertical Offset : This is the vertical offset of the glyph within the image box. Set this to a positive value (up to 999) to move the glyph image up the specified number of pixels. Set this to a negative value (up to -999) to move the glyph image down the specified number of pixels.
- Code Points : Check the "Code Points" button to specify a range of code points to export from the font. Enter the first and last code points as hexadecimal scalar values in the two edit boxes. The glyphs for all code points in the font between these two values inclusively will be exported. By default, the lowest and highest code point in the font are specified, which means that all code points in the font will be exported; change these values if you only want to export a certain range of code points in the font. To specify a specific set of code points to export rather than a range of code points, you may load a tab-delimited file listing the code points to export by pressing the "Load List" button. The file must be encoded as UTF-8, and each entry should consist of a single Unicode character, optionally followed by a tab-separated file name to use for the exported glyph. You should use the Load List functionality if you want to use file names that are different from the default names. A Sample Glyph Export File gives details of the file format.
- Glyph IDs : Check the "Glyph IDs" button to specify a range of glyph IDs to export from the font. This allows you to export glyphs in the font that are not mapped to Unicode code points. By default, the first and last glyph ID in the font are specified, which means that all glyphs in the font will be exported; change these values if you only want to export a certain range of glyph IDs.
- Sample Glyph : Check the "Code Point" or "Glyph ID" button to specify the code point or glyph ID of the glyph to show as the sample on the right. The new sample glyph will be displayed as soon as you move focus to another edit control in the dialog.
- Save as : Select the image format to export the glyphs as from the dropdown box. Bitmap (.bmp), GIF (.gif), JPEG (.jpg) and Portable Network Graphic (.png) image formats are supported. Note that you cannot specify the image quality of JPEG images, so if you want a high quality JPEG image you should export as BMP and use an image editor to convert to JPEG at the required quality.
Export Folder
- Folder Name : This specifies the folder name that the exported glyph files will be saved in. The folder name is always created from the font name and font size, and cannot be modified.
- Create At : Use the folder browser button to select the parent folder that the glyph export folder will be created under.
- Export / Cancel : Press the Export button to start the export process. When the export process starts this button is relabelled as "Cancel", and pressing the Cancel button will cancel the export process. NB The export process involves taking pictures of the glyph images displayed in the dialog box. If you open another application so that the glyph image is partially or fully covered then the saved image will be corrupted by the overlaying window. Therefore you are strongly advised to not open any new applications or swap to any other open windows while the export process is in operation.
- Pause / Resume : This button is only active after pressing the Export button. Press the Pause button to pause the export process, at which point the button is relabelled as "Resume". When the export process is paused you may safely swap to another application. To resume the export process press the Resume button, at which point it will be relabelled as "Pause".
- Open Folder : Press this button to open a Windows Explorer window showing the folder where the glyph images have been exported to.
- Close : Press this button to close the Export Font Glyphs window. If the export process is active when the Close button is pressed then it will be aborted.
- ? : Press this button to open the online help for this topic (i.e. this page).
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