BabelPad Help : Edit Menu : Cut and Paste
Edit > Cut and Paste
The Cut and Paste submenu has the following commands:
- Cut (Ctrl+X) : Deletes the selected text and copies it to the clipboard.
- Copy (Ctrl+C) : Copies the selected text to the clipboard.
- Rich Text Copy (Ctrl+Shift+K) : Copies the selected text to the clipboard in rich text format. The copied text can then be pasted into a word processor or other rich text aware application, and the fonts and font sizes from BabelPad should be preserved.
- Paste (Ctrl+V) : Pastes text from the clipboard into BabelPad at the current caret position, or replacing any selected text.
- Paste RTF as Plain Text : Pastes rich text into BabelPad as plain text showing the RTF formatting.
- Paste and Copy (Ctrl+Shift+Q) : Pastes text from the clipboard into BabelPad over the selected text, and copies the original selected text to the clipboard. Useful for swapping text between two places.
- Del (Del) : Deletes the selected text without copying to the clipboard.
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