Cursive Tangut
Cursive Tangut Components

Component Index

- Kolokolov, V. S. (В. С. Колоколов) and E. I. Kyčanov (Е. И. Кычанов), Китайская классика в тангутском переводе (Kitajskaja klassika v tangutskom perevode) [Chinese Classics in Tangut Translation]. Moscow, 1966.
Samples of Cursive Tangut Texts
Buddhist Manuscript Scroll from Baisigou Square Pagoda
Examples of Tangut Cursive Characters
In Prof. Arakawa Shintaro's 2016 study into Tangut cursive script, the apppendix (pp. 87–93) prepared by Ono Hiroko (小野裕子) comprises a table showing examples of the cursive forms for sixty Tangut characters:
- 荒川慎太郎 (ARAKAWA Shintaro). ロシア所蔵資料の実見調査に基づく西夏文字草書体の体系的研究 (Systematic Studies on the Tangut Script in Running Form, Based on the Research of Original Tangut Materials Preserved in Russia). 東京外国語大学 ・アジア・アフリカ言語文化研究所, 2016.
- p. 89
- p. 90
- p. 91
- p. 92
- p. 93
I am collecting examples of Tangut cursive characters from various manuscript sources (as well as the cursive glyphs listed in Arakawa 2016), and listing them on this page for reference: