Tangut Manuscripts with Tibetan Phonetic Glosses

British Library Or.12380/3911

IDP : British Library Or.12380/3911


This is a single sheet of a Tangut Buddhist manuscript held at the British Library in London. It has the pressmark Or.12380/3911 (originally K.K.II.0282.b vii), and was collected by Aurel Stein from Khara-Khoto during his expedition to Central Asia of 1913–1916. It has been studied by Tai Chung Pui (TCP2009), and is available online at the International Dunhuang Project.

The sheet is in very poor condition, with torn and tattered edges. Only six lines of about 23 Tangut characters survive, along with the orphaned Tibetan glosses for a seventh line, in total about 100 identifiable Tangut characters with complete or partial Tibetan glosses. The paper and calligraphy match Or.12380/3910, and they may be fragments of the same manuscript.


Position Tangut Tibetan Note
Character LFW2008 Reading TCP2009 BabelStone
01:07 ? --
01:08 𗟻 L0749 phji -- [?]
01:09 ? -- [?]
01:10 𗫂 L3583 tja -- [?]
01:11 𘝞 L4797 ·jwɨr d.wi d.wi དཝི
01:12 𘐡 L5379 tśjɨ g.-- g[?]i ག​ི
01:13 ? [?]
01:14 ? [?]
01:15 ? [?]
01:16 ? [?]
01:17 ? [?]
01:18 𘍳 L5531 gjij -- [?]
01:19 ? -- [?]
01:20 𘕿 L5856 ɣa -- [?]
02:01 𗫡 L2679 njɨ ni ni ནི
02:02 ? [?]
02:03 ? [?]
02:04 ? [?]
02:05 ? [?]
02:06 ? -- [?]u
02:07 𘕕 L5865 sọ g.so.v gsi' ? གསིའ [1]
02:08 𘄎 L1638 gji v.gy-.v 'gyi' འགྱིའ
02:09 𗑗 L4751 sej g.se.v gse' གསེའ
02:10 𗥺 L3229 ŋwə̱ b.ngu bngu བངུ
02:11 ? tshi tshiv ? ཚི
02:12 𗳒 L5880 ŋwu ngu ngu ངུ
02:13 𘝵 L1245 ·jij ye ye ཡེ
02:14 𘛽 L1546 ljụ -u [?]u
02:15 𗞞 L4342 dja d+ha.v dha' དྷའ
02:16 𘄎 L1638 gji v.gyi 'gyi འགྱི
02:17 𗑗 L4751 sej g.se.- gse[?] གསེ
02:18 𗖵 L0433 bju v.-u '[?]u འ​ུ
02:19 𗣆 L3277 tshja cha.v cha' ཆའ
02:20 ? g.-u g[?]u ག​ུ
02:21 𘂧 L6074 kha kh+ha kh+ha ཁྷ
02:22 𘛽 L1546 ljụ lu lu ལུ
02:23 ? -.-i '[?]
03:01 𗠁 L0206 bu̱ v.bu 'bu འབུ
03:02 𗤓 L3228 thjo̱ tho 'tho འཐོ [2]
03:03 𗃵 L3406 pjụ d.pu.v dpu' དཔུའ
03:04 𘗣 L5407 du b.d+hu.v bdhu' བདྷུའ [3]
03:05 𘆄 L0724 njɨ ni ni ནི [3]
03:06 𗨻 L2226 we d.wi d.wi དཝི
03:07 𗉣 L0797 phji phi phi ཕི
03:08 𘄎 L1638 gji v.gyi 'gyi འགྱི
03:09 𗑗 L4751 sej g.se.v gse' གསེའ
03:10 𗖵 L0433 bju v.b- 'b{u} འབུ [4]
03:11 ? z-.v za' ཟའ
03:12 𗯗 L5834 lej le.v le' ལེའ
03:13 𗋕 L2019 thja tha tha
03:14 𘇂 L1136 gu b.gu bgu བགུ
03:15 𘝳 L5795 mjɨ mu mu མུ
03:16 𗥔 L2753 lhe̱w lhi lhi ལྷི
03:17 𗴺 L0092 mja ma ma
03:18 𗍫 L4027 njɨ̱ g.n- gn{i} གནི [5]
03:19 𘅞 L1204 njijr rne rne རྣེ
03:20 𗍫 L4027 njɨ̱ g.ni gni གནི
03:21 𗁅 L3485 lạ lda lda ལྡ
03:22 d.wi d.wi དཝི
03:23 s- sa ?
03:24 𘋠 L5932 mu mu མུ
04:01 𘛃 L3819 lu b.lu.v b.lu' བལུའ
04:02 𘜼 L1223 phjo̱ pho pho ཕོ
04:03 𗀔 L0089 tśhja̱ cha.v cha' ཆའ
04:04 𗶠 L2396 dzu̱ b.dzu.v bdzu' བཛུའ
04:05 𗾔 L2449 be d.bvi.v dbwi' ? དབྭིའ [6]
04:06 𗣿 L2783 lhjwịj lhi lhi ལྷི
04:07 𗍫 L4027 njɨ̱ g.ni gni གནི
04:08 𘛃 L3819 lu b.lu.v b.lu' བལུའ
04:09 𘓁 L4444 ljɨ̣ ldi ldi ལྡི
04:10 𗜐 L4408 mə̱ -- [?]
04:11 𘛃 L3819 lu b.lu.v b.lu' བལུའ
04:12 𗫂 L3583 tja ta ta
04:13 𗣜 L2173 thju thu thu ཐུ
04:14 ? d.wi.r d.wir དཝིར
04:15 𗳒 L5880 ŋwu ngu ngu ངུ
04:16 𘙌 L1326 kjɨ ki ki ཀི
04:17 𗐗 L3015 lhjụ lhu lhu ལྷུ
04:18 𗤻 L2467 wjạ d.--.v dwa' དཝའ
04:19 ? g.s-.v g?e' ག​ེའ
04:20 ? ldi ldi ལྡི
04:21 ? -.r-.v [?]'
04:22 b.lu.v b.lu' བལུའ
05:01 𗫂 L3583 tja ta ta
05:02 𘝵 L1245 ·jij g.ye g.ye གཡེ
05:03 𗪲 L3351 ɣjiw d.gi dgi དགི
05:04 ? b.ge bge ? བགེ
05:05 𘐡 L5379 tśjɨ g.c-.v gci[?] གཅི
05:06 𘂧 L6074 kha kh+ha kh+ha ཁྷ
05:07 𘝞 L4797 ·jwɨr d.wi.- d.wi དཝི
05:08 𗳒 L5880 ŋwu ngu ngu ངུ
05:09 𘙌 L1326 kjɨ ki ki ཀི
05:10 𗐗 L3015 lhjụ lhu lhu ལྷུ
05:11 𗣜 L2173 thju thu thu ཐུ
05:12 𘈨 L1747 nur rnu rnu རྣུ
05:13 𗳒 L5880 ŋwu ngu ngu ངུ
05:14 𘎪 L5612 tshji̱j tshe [?]
05:15 𗦇 L2090 lew li li ལི
05:16 𗩨 L3315 tsə̣ rts- rts[?] རྩ
05:17 𘍦 L5498 ·jij g.ye g.ye གཡེ
05:18 𗁅 L3485 lạ lda lda ལྡ
05:19 𘗀 L5047 nwə --.v [?]'
05:20 𗣲 L3784 bio v.-- '[?]
05:21 𗡶 L0535 śjij -- [?]
05:22 𘓁 L4444 ljɨ̣ l-u li ལི
05:23 ? -- [?]
06:01 -.ci.v gci' གཅིའ
06:02 ? ta ta
06:03 𗪘 L2104 śji shi shi ཤི
06:04 𘝵 L1245 ·jij g.ye g.ye གཡེ
06:05 𗪲 L3351 ɣjiw d.gi dgi དགི
06:06 𗒐 L5030 ɣiwej b.ge bge བགེ
06:07 𘐡 L5379 tśjɨ g.ci.v gci' གཅིའ
06:08 𘂧 L6074 kha kh+ha kh+ha ཁྷ
06:09 𘙇 L0795 rjɨr ri ri རི
06:10 𘎪 L5612 tshji̱j tshe tshe ཚེ
06:11 𗖵 L0433 bju v.bu 'bu འབུ
06:12 𘃡 L5113 wji d.wi d.wi དཝི
06:13 𗦇 L2090 lew ldi ldi ལྡི
06:14 𗋕 L2019 thja tha tha
06:15 𗍊 L0290 sju zu zu ཟུ
06:16 𗡱 L1871 sjij se.v se' སེའ
06:17 𖿠 L1871 sjij se.v se' སེའ
06:18 𗸸 L0369 thju̱ thu thu ཐུ
06:19 𘃪 L5712 dźjwa b.ja.v bja' བཇའ
06:20 𘅍 L0705 zjịj g.z-.- gz[?] གཟ
06:21 𘝵 L1245 ·jij g.y- g.ye གཡེ
06:22 𗤶 L2518 nji̱j ne ne ནེ
06:23 𘇂 L1136 gu b.g- bg[?] བག
07:01 -u
07:02 -u
07:03 -u
07:04 -u
07:05 -u
07:06 -u [?]u
07:07 w- [?]wa
07:08 -i [?]i
07:09 -- [?]
07:10 -.ye [?]ye ཡེ
07:11 gi [?]gi གི
07:12 -e [?]e
07:13 -i.v [?]i' ིའ
07:14 -- [?]
07:15 -h- [?]ha
07:16 tsh-.v [?]tsha' ཚའ
07:17 -- [?]
07:18 --.v [?]'
07:19 --.v [?]'
07:20 -e.v [?]e
07:21 -- [?]
07:22 -.ye [?]se སེ
07:23 ne ne ནེ
07:24 -.g- [?]ga


  1. There is a very light stroke above the s which could be an i vowel, although an o vowel is expected.
  2. The Tibetan gloss tho is preceded by an oddly-shaped and thick-stroked a-chung, which may have been added later by another hand.
  3. The Tibetan glosses for L5407 and L0724 are swapped in the manuscript, with ni against L5407 (du) and bdhu' against L0724 (njɨ). This corrected in the table.
  4. The Tibetan gloss should be 'bu, but the vowel sign is missing.
  5. The Tibetan gloss should be gni, but the vowel sign is missing.
  6. There is an odd mark beneath the b of the Tibetan gloss, which could be an a-chung or a subjoined w or possibly the start of a u vowel.


Published: 2011-12-19. Last modified: 2011-12-24.

Tangut Manuscripts with Tibetan Phonetic Glosses

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