Sea of Tangut Characters @TangutSea
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Monday, 20 April 2020 at 12:10
𗂏 [¹u₃] 'big tree' is constructed from the middle of 𗯴 [¹khu₄] 'underneath, below', and the whole of 𗙼 [²u₃] 'in front of' {𗯴𘁝𗙼𘓳}…
Sea of Tangut Characters @TangutSea
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Monday, 20 April 2020 at 12:13
This is a phonosemantic derivation, with 𗙼 'in front of' giving the pronunciation (tone differences are ignored), and 𗯴 'underneath, below' alluding to the phrase "beneath the big tree" 𗂏𗯴 given in the A edition of Homophones…
Sea of Tangut Characters @TangutSea
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Monday, 20 April 2020 at 12:19
And I forgot about:
𘁝 [¹ne'₄] 'middle'
Sea of Tangut Characters @TangutSea
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Monday, 20 April 2020 at 12:31
I considered tweeting only interesting characters to start with, but in the end I have decided to tweet random characters, so there will be a mixture of interesting and dull characters, some with meaningful and logical derivations, others with obscure or implausible derivations.