Sea of Tangut Characters @TangutSea
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Monday, 27 April 2020 at 13:28
𗑘 [¹swe₁] 'clean, pure' is constructed from the surrounding parts of 𗑗 [¹se₁] 'clean, pure, still' and the right side of 𗦙 [¹siq₄] 'clear, pure, celestial' {𗑗𘍞𗦙𗡼}…
Sea of Tangut Characters @TangutSea
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Monday, 27 April 2020 at 13:42
The character 𗑘 only occurs in the word 𘚒𗑘 [¹son₁ ¹swe₁] 'clean, fresh' (?) that is listed in Sea of Writing and Homophones (…). I know of no examples of this character in any other Tangut text.