Sea of Tangut Characters Twitter Archive

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Sea of Tangut Characters @TangutSea

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Tuesday, 5 May 2020 at 14:27

𘌻 [¹phi₁] 'wall' is constructed from the left side of 𘌿 [¹phi₁] 'skilful, clever' and the right side of 𗰽 [¹dzwyq₄] 'wall' {𘌿𘊱𗰽𗡼}…

Sea of Tangut Characters @TangutSea

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Tuesday, 5 May 2020 at 14:46

This is a classic phonosemantic derivation. The character 𘌻 [¹phi₁] is exemplified by the word 𗰽𘌻 [¹dzwyq₄ ¹phi₁] (presumably meaning 'wall' of some sort) in Homophones (also in Mixed Characters), but I do not know of any examples of 𘌻 or 𗰽𘌻 in literary text.
