Sea of Tangut Characters Twitter Archive

Status 1267611408872755200

Sea of Tangut Characters @TangutSea

Tweet 1267611408872755200

Tuesday, 2 June 2020 at 00:18

𗩋 [¹my₁] 'merit, achievement, contribution' is constructed from the right sde of 𗤖 [¹teq₄] 'quickly, at once' and the right side of 𗹦 [¹my₁] 'sky' (phonetic) {𗤖𗡼𗹦𗡼}…

Sea of Tangut Characters @TangutSea

Tweet 1267616356742160390 (reply to 1267611408872755200)

Tuesday, 2 June 2020 at 00:37

𗩋 [¹my₁] is not found in its original meaning in any surviving texts (afaik), but it does occur in four consecutive Tangut family names in Mixed Characters 《𗏇𘉅》 (Or. 12380/1843 (L) shown):

𘙦𗩋 [²se₄ ¹my₁]

𗩋𘝙 [¹my₁ ¹dzon₁]

𗩋𗮖 [¹my₁ ²shwi₃]

𗩋𗥺 [¹my₁ ¹ngwy'₁]
