Sea of Tangut Characters Twitter Archive

Status 1268881309776203776

Sea of Tangut Characters @TangutSea

Tweet 1268881309776203776

Friday, 5 June 2020 at 12:24

𗡏 [¹mi'₁] 'fragrant, aromatic' is constructed from the left side of 𗡎 [²li₃] 'fragrant' and the right side of 𗩔 [²mi₁] 'shining, radiant' (phonetic) {𗡎𘊱𗩔𗡼}…

Sea of Tangut Characters @TangutSea

Tweet 1268886252989939718 (reply to 1268881309776203776)

Friday, 5 June 2020 at 12:43

It's not clear to me what the difference between 𗡏 [¹mi'₁] and 𗡎 [²li₃] is, both meaning 'fragrant' and sometimes occurring in the same sentence, such as 𗡎𘄽𗏹𗡏𗿎 which is a translation of 香氣常芬馥 in the Golden Light Sutra 《金光明最勝王經》

Sea of Tangut Characters @TangutSea

Tweet 1268886931280211970 (reply to 1268886252989939718)

Friday, 5 June 2020 at 12:46

Mixed Characters lists the word 𗩣𗡏 [¹shuq₃ ¹mi'₁] 'to splash fragrance' which suggests perfume.
