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Sea of Tangut Characters @TangutSea

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Monday, 15 June 2020 at 10:12

𗙥 [¹deq₄] 'sigh' is constructed from the left side of 𗙏 [²ghiq₂] 'sound' and the whole of 𘘯 [¹gha₁] 'thin, feeble' {𗙏𘊱𘘯𘓳}…

Sea of Tangut Characters @TangutSea

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Monday, 15 June 2020 at 10:41

There are three cognate characters for sighing with vowel alternation:

𗙥 [¹deq₄] 'sigh'

𗘻 [¹doq₄] 'a sorrowful sigh'

𘑾 [¹duq₄] 'a mournful sigh'

𗘻 and 𗙥 occur exclusively in the word 𗘻𗙥 [¹doq₄ ¹deq₄] = Chinese 悲嘆

𘑾 only occurs in the word 𘓏𘑾 [¹rur₄ ¹duq₄]
