Clauson's Tangut Books

Clauson's collection of Tangut books, which he used as sources for his Skeleton Dictionary, were donated to the library of SOAS University of London, and are currently available on the open stacks.

Callmark Title and Date
CL495.49 / 32119

Xīxià Guóshū Zìdiǎn Yīntóng


[Lüshun], 1935.

CL495.49 / 84332

Fān-Hàn Héshí Zhǎngzhōngzhū


[Tianjin], 1935.

CL495.49 / 28635

A volume on Tangut (Hsi Hsia) Studies 西夏文專號

Bulletin of the National Library of Peiping 國立北平圖書館館栞 vol. 4 May–June 1930 (issued January 1932) No. 3.

CL495.49 / 84331

Luó Fúcháng (羅福萇, 1896–1921)

Xīxià Guóshū Lüèshuō


Kyoto, 1914.

CL495.49 / 25299

Nicolas Nevsky (Nikolai Aleksandrovich Nevsky, 1892–1937)

A Brief Manual of the Si-Hia Characters with Tibetan Transcriptions


Research Review of the Osaka Asiatic Society No. 4 March 15, 1926.

CL495.49 / 28564

Wáng Jìngrú (王靜如, 1903–1990)

Hsi Hsia Studies 西夏硏究

Beiping, 1932.

CI495.49 / 84333

Luó Fúchéng (羅福成, 1885–1960)

Xīxià Yì Liánhuájīng Kǎoshì


[Kyōto], [1914?]

CL495.49 / 25299">CL495.49 / 61431

Aleksei Ivanovich Ivanov (1878–1937)

Zur Kenntniss der Hsi-hsia-Sprache

St. Petersburg, 1909.

SOAS CL495.49

Seven of Clauson's Tangut books

Photograph by Andrew West

SOAS CL495.49 / 84332

Fān-Hàn Héshí Zhǎngzhōngzhū 番漢合時掌中珠 [1935]

Photograph by Andrew West

SOAS CI495.49 / 84333

Xīxià Yì Liánhuájīng Kǎoshì 西夏譯蓮華經考釋 [1914?]

Photograph by Marc Miyake

Corpus Textuum Tangutorum 1