BabelStone Fonts : BabelStone Erjian


BabelStone Erjian 1 and 2 are two Unicode Han fonts using the draft second stage simplified forms of characters (known informally as èrjiǎnzì 二简字) that are listed in 《第二次汉字简化方案(草案)》 [Draft Plan for the Second Stage of the Simplification of Chinese Characters] which was published in December 1977. The 1977 draft comprises two tables, Table 1 for simplifications intended for immediate use (and which were widely used in publications during 1978), and Table 2 which were intended to be implemented if the experiment with the Table 1 simplifications was a success. The experiment was not judged to be a success, and the use of Table 1 simplifications was stopped at the end of 1978, and the Table 2 simplifications were never put into official use.

Both fonts cover 8,157 high-frequency Hanzi, comprising 8,105 Level 1, Level 2 and Level 3 characters listed in Tōngyòng Guīfàn Hànzì Zìdiǎn 通用规范汉字字典 (2013), and 52 other characters. "BabelStone Erjian 1" uses second stage simplified glyph forms for the characters listed in Table 1 only; whereas "BabelStone Erjian 2" uses second stage simplified glyph forms for the characters listed in Table 1 and Table 2 (where the glyph for the same character differs between Table 1 and Table 2, the form given in Table 2 is used). "BabelStone Erjian 1" covers 270 Table 1 simplifications and 99 additional derived simplifications. "BabelStone Erjian 2" covers 270 Table 1 simplifications, 664 Table 2 simplifications, and 522 additional derived simplifications. For both fonts the second stage simplifications are mapped to the corresponding standard simplified form of the character, even when the second stage simplication exists as an independent Unicode character. For nine word-level simplifications in Table 1 (e.g. 蚯蚓 simplifies to 丘引), and 19 word-level simplifications in Table 2 (e.g. 鹦鹉 simplifies to 婴武), the simplification is applied to the word only using OpenType substitution, and the individual characters by themselves are not simplified (except for characters such as 朦, which undergo the expected glyph simplification).

For further details on second stage simplifications in these fonts, please consult The Chart of Current Status for Second Stage Simplification in Unicode by Alexander Zapryagaev (Александр Запрягаев).

History of Second Stage Simplifications

Following on from the formal introduction of simplified Chinese characters in the 1950s and 1960s, an attempt to promote a second stage of further simplifications was made in the 1970s. In May 1975 the Chinese Writing Reform Committee (Zhōngguó Wénzì Gǎigé Wěiyuánhuì 中国文字改革委员会) produced a first draft of Second Stage simplified characters for review by the State Council, and eventually on 20th December 1977 the final draft (entitled Dì'èrcì Hànzì Jiǎnhuà Fāng'àn (cǎo'àn) 《第二次汉字简化方案(草案)》) was published in the People's Daily (Rénmín Rìbào 人民日报), the Guangming Daily (Guāngmíng Rìbào 光明日报) and other newspapers.

Announcement in the People's Daily (20th December 1977) Second Stage Simplification Tables in the People's Daily

The draft comprised two tables, Table 1 with 172 individual simplifications and 21 generic simplifications, for immediate use; and Table 2 with a much larger number of simplifications for future use if the Table 1 simplifications proved successful. Table 1 only was added as an appendix to a new edition of the General Table of Simplified Characters (Jiǎnhuàzì Zǒngbiǎo 简化字总表) that was published in December 1977 (see "Sources" below). On 21st December 1977, the day after the draft was published, the People's Daily started to use the simplified characters listed in Table 1 only, and continued to do so until July 1978

Headline from the People's Daily (2nd February 1978)


During 1978 the new simplified characters from Table 1 were widely used in newspapers, books, and publications of all kinds. Postage stamps issued between June and November 1978 also made use of the new simplified characters from Table 1.

Stamp J28-2 (1978) Stamp T31-2 (1978) Stamp T34-4 (1978)
全国财贸学大庆学大会议 公路拱桥 无 新虹桥 ...全

Stamp T25-1 (1978) Stamp T29-3 (1978)
化学纤维・ 犀牛(漆器

“Friendship First, Competition Second”


However, the experiment was judged to have been a failure, and in July 1978 a directive to stop using the new simplified characters was issued. Although the new simplifications were not used in official publications after the end of 1978, they were not officially withdrawn until September 1986. Nevertheless, the new simplifications did not entirely die out, and were occasionally used in printed contexts during the 1980s. Even today simplified characters from Table 1 are often met with in informal contexts such as shop signage and personal correspondence.

Announcement of the Withdrawal of Second Stage Simplified Characters

People's Daily (28th September 1986)

Explanation to the Draft Second Stage Simplification Plan

Published in the People's Daily on 31st January 1978.

The article is written using Table 1 second stage simplifications, but discusses some Table 2 simplifications. All second stage simplifications are highlighted in red.

















Withdrawal of the Draft Second Stage Simplification Plan




  国务院同意国家语言文字工作委员会《关于废止〈第二次汉字简化方案(草案) 〉和纠正社会用字混乱现象的请示》,现转发给你们,请贯彻执行。


















Second Stage Simplifications: Table 1

In the tables below the column labelled "Erjian" gives the second stage simplified form for the standard form character or characters shown in the column labelled "Standard". The second stage simplified forms in the "Erjian" column are displayed using the "BabelStone Erjian 1" font.

Table 1 Subtable 1 : Individual Simplifications (168 entries)

第一表: 一、不作简化偏旁用的简化字

This table lists individual simplifications that should not be automatically extended to other characters.

Ref. Erjian Standard Pinyin Notes
1.1:001 ào
1.1:002 芭 笆 粑
1.1:003 bāng
1.1:004 bào
1.1:005 蓖 篦 蔽
1.1:008 毕几 哔叽 bì jī
1.1:009 萹 藊 稨 biān, biǎn
1.1:010 bìng
1.1:011 bìng
1.1:014 cǎi
1.1:015 菜 蔡 cài
1.1:016 cān
1.1:017 cāng
1.1:018 cáng, zàng
1.1:019 衩 扠 杈 汊 chā, chǎ, chà
1.1:020 chè
1.1:021 chǒu
1.1:022 chù
1.1:023 cōng
1.1:025 dàn
1.1:026 dàn, tán
1.1:027 dǎo
1.1:028 dào
1.1:029 dào
1.1:030 殿 殿 diàn
1.1:031 叮 盯 钉 靪 dīng
1.1:032 dǒng
1.1:033 dǒng
1.1:034 斗拱 枓栱 dǒu gǒng
1.1:035 duǎn
1.1:036 dūn
1.1:037 dùn
1.1:038 èr
1.1:039 fèn
1.1:044 秆 竿 gān, gǎn
1.1:045 gǒu
1.1:046 guàn
1.1:047 灌 盥 guàn
1.1:048 guì
1.1:049 guǒ
1.1:050 hāo
1.1:052 葫 猢 蝴 糊
1.1:053 huǐ
1.1:055 jiàn
1.1:056 jiāng
1.1:057 jiàng
1.1:058 jiāo
1.1:059 jiāo
1.1:060 jiē
1.1:061 jǐng
1.1:062 jìng
1.1:063 jìng
1.1:064 jiǔ
1.1:065 jiǔ
1.1:067 镢 䦆 jué
1.1:068 卡几 咔叽 kǎ jī
1.1:069 kāng
1.1:070 kāng
1.1:071 kào
1.1:072 科斗 蝌蚪 kē dǒu
1.1:073 kuǎn
1.1:074 蓝 篮 lán
1.1:075 澜 滥 lán, làn
1.1:076 lán
1.1:077 lǎn
1.1:078 làn
1.1:079 lěi
1.1:082 liáng, liàng
1.1:083 liǎo
1.1:084 liáo
1.1:085 liáo, liǎo
1.1:086 寮 寥 liáo
1.1:087 liào
1.1:088 lín
1.1:089 líng
1.1:090 溜 遛 熘 馏 liū, liú, liù See also 2.1:032 and 2.1:072
1.1:092 màn
1.1:093 mào
1.1:094 mào
1.1:095 méi
1.1:096 蒙龙 曚昽 朦胧 蒙眬 méng lóng
1.1:098 niàng
1.1:099 nüè
1.1:100 辟历 霹雳 pī lì
1.1:104 qiān
1.1:105 qián
1.1:106 qiàn
1.1:107 qiáng
1.1:108 qín
1.1:109 丘引 蚯蚓 qiū yǐn
1.1:111 rāng, rǎng
1.1:112 rǎng
1.1:114 sài
1.1:115 煽 搧 shān
1.1:116 绱 鞝 shàng
1.1:117 sháo
1.1:118 shū
1.1:119 shuāng
1.1:121 suàn
1.1:122 tài
1.1:123 tán
1.1:124 táng
1.1:125 tào
1.1:126 téng
1.1:127 tíng
1.1:128 wěn
1.1:132 xiā
1.1:133 xiāng
1.1:134 xiàng
1.1:135 xiāo
1.1:136 xié
1.1:137 xìn
1.1:138 xióng
1.1:139 xiū
1.1:140 xuān
1.1:141 xuǎn
1.1:142 xué
1.1:143 xuě
1.1:144 yán
1.1:145 yǎn
1.1:146 耀 耀 曜 yào
1.1:150 yíng
1.1:151 yǐng
1.1:152 yōng
1.1:153 yóu
1.1:156 预 豫
1.1:157 yuán
1.1:158 yuán
1.1:159 yuán
1.1:160 yuán
1.1:161 zàn
1.1:162 zhài
1.1:163 zhàng
1.1:164 zhé
1.1:165 zhěng
1.1:167 zuǐ
1.1:168 zuò

Table 1 Subtable 2 : Component Simplifications (21 entries)

第一表: 二、可作简化偏旁用的简化字

The simplifications in this table are extendable to any other character which has the standard form of the character as a component. Common derived simplifications based on this table are listed in Table 1 Subtable 3.

Ref. Erjian Standard Pinyin Notes
1.2:002 察 嚓 chá, cā
1.2:003 gǎn
1.2:006 liú
1.2:007 眉 嵋 méi See also 2.1:035
1.2:008 mēng, méng, měng See also 2.1:074
1.2:009 miàn
1.2:010 囊 囔 náng, nāng
1.2:011 qīng See also 2.1:077
1.2:012 sāng
1.2:013 shǔ
1.2:014 táng
1.2:016 yīng See also 2.1:079
1.2:017 展 辗 zhǎn
1.2:018 zhēn
1.2:019 zhí
1.2:021 zūn See also 2.1:064

Table 1 Subtable 3 : Derived Simplifications (55 entries)

第一表: 三、应用21个可作简化偏旁用的简化字类推简化得出来的简化字

This table lists common derived simplifications based on the simplified components listed in Table 1 Subtable 2.

Ref. Component Standard Pinyin Notes
1.3:001-01 hān
1.3:003-01 hàn
1.3:003-02 hàn
1.3:006-01 liú
1.3:006-02 liú
1.3:007-01 méi
1.3:008-01 měng
1.3:009-01 miǎn
1.3:010-01 nǎng
1.3:011-01 qǐng
1.3:011-02 jīng
1.3:011-03 cāi
1.3:011-04 qíng
1.3:011-05 qīng
1.3:011-06 qíng
1.3:011-07 jīng
1.3:011-08 jìng
1.3:011-09 jìng
1.3:011-10 jīng
1.3:011-11 diàn
1.3:012-01 sǎng
1.3:012-02 sǎng
1.3:013-01 zhǔ
1.3:013-02 zhǔ
1.3:014-01 táng
1.3:016-01 yīng
1.3:016-02 yīng
1.3:017-01 niǎn
1.3:018-01 tián
1.3:018-02 shèn
1.3:018-03 diān
1.3:018-04 zhèn
1.3:018-05 diān See also 2.1:009
1.3:019-01 zhí
1.3:019-02 zhí
1.3:019-03 zhí
1.3:019-04 zhì
1.3:020-01 cuì
1.3:020-02 cuì
1.3:020-03 suì
1.3:020-04 cuì
1.3:020-05 cuì
1.3:020-06 cuì
1.3:020-07 zuì
1.3:021-01 zǔn

Second Stage Simplifications: Table 2

In the tables below the column labelled "Erjian" gives the second stage simplified form for the standard form character or characters shown in the column labelled "Standard". The second stage simplified forms in the "Erjian" column are displayed using the "BabelStone Erjian 2" font.

Table 2 Subtable 1 : Homophonic Substitutions (79 entries)

第二表: 一、同音代替字

This table lists individual simplifications to existing characters with the same pronunciation.

Ref. Erjian Standard Pinyin Notes
2.1:001 bān
2.1:002 biān
2.1:003 辨 辩 辫 biàn
2.1:004 勃 渤 脖 饽
2.1:006 chè
2.1:008 dài
2.1:009 巅 癫 diān See also 1.3:018-05
2.1:010 凋 碉 雕 diāo 雕 meaning "to carve" (雕刻的雕) is simplified to 刁. See 2.2:014 for the simplification of 雕 meaning "eagle" (老雕的雕).
2.1:011 dǒu
2.1:013 duàn
2.1:014 墩 礅 蹾 撉 dūn
2.1:015 筏 阀 垡
2.1:016 袱 匐
2.1:018 gǎn
2.1:019 gàn
2.1:020 hàn
2.1:021 huán
2.1:022 huī
2.1:024 jiǎn
2.1:025 jiáo, jiào, jué See also 2.8:036 and 2.8:037
2.1:026 jiè
2.1:027 jīn
2.1:029 筐 框 眶 诓 哐 kuāng, kuàng
2.1:030 lián
2.1:031 liào
2.1:032 liú See also 1.1:090
2.1:033 See also 2.1:073
2.1:034 旅 膂
2.1:035 湄 楣 鹛 méi See also 1.2:007
2.1:036 蜜 密
2.1:037 miǎo
2.1:038 níng
2.1:039 pàn
2.1:041 pīn
2.1:043 qiān
2.1:044 shā
2.1:045 shāng
2.1:046 suàn
2.1:047 镗 嘡 膛 tāng, táng
2.1:048 霆 庭 tíng
2.1:049 tóng
2.1:050 wān
2.1:051 诿 萎 痿 wěi
2.1:052 wèi
2.1:053 xīn
2.1:054 xiōng
2.1:055 xuàn
2.1:056 yán
2.1:057 yán
2.1:058 yíng See also 2.8:008
2.1:059 zhà
2.1:060 zhàn
2.1:061 zhòu
2.1:063 zōng
2.1:064 zūn See also 1.2:021
2.1:065 丁宁 叮咛 dīng níng
2.1:066 多索 哆嗦 duō suō
2.1:067 分付 吩咐 fēn fù
2.1:068 咯嗒 疙瘩 圪垯 纥𫄤 gē dá
2.1:069 瘌痢 鬎鬁 là lì See also 2.2:039
2.1:070 兰尾 阑尾 lán wěi
2.1:071 辽亮 嘹喨 liáo liàng
2.1:072 溜达 蹓跶 liū tà See also 1.1:090
2.1:073 罗索 罗嗦 噜苏 luō suō (lū sū) See also 2.1:033
2.1:074 宁蒙 柠檬 níng méng See also 1.2:008
2.1:075 旁薄 磅礡 páng bó See also 2.4:009 and 2.8:033
2.1:076 旁皇 徬徨 彷徨 páng huáng See also 2.4:009
2.1:077 青廷 蜻蜓 qīng tíng See also 1.2:011 and 2.8:029
2.1:078 舢板 舢舨 shān bǎn See also 2.8:014
2.1:079 婴武 鹦鹉 yīng wǔ See also 1.2:016

Table 2 Subtable 2 : Phonetic Simplifications (116 entries)

第二表: 二、形声字

This table lists individual simplifications with new phonetic components.

Ref. Erjian Standard Pinyin Notes
2.2:001 ào
2.2:003 bàn
2.2:004 暴 曝 bào, pù
2.2:005 瀑 浦 bào, pǔ
2.2:008 簿 簿 bó, bù
2.2:009 chú
2.2:010 储 贮 chǔ, zhù
2.2:011 chuō
2.2:012 dàn
2.2:013 dǎo
2.2:014 diāo Simplification of the meaning "eagle". For other meanings (e.g. "to carve"), please use the character 刁.
2.2:015 dié
2.2:017 fān
2.2:018 fán
2.2:019 féng
2.2:020 féng, fèng
2.2:022 gǎn See 2.8:001 for derived simplifications
2.2:023 hàn
2.2:026 稽 嵇
2.2:027 jiǎ, jià
2.2:028 jiǎn
2.2:029 jiàn
2.2:030 jiàn
2.2:031 jiǎng
2.2:032 jiǎo
2.2:033 警 儆 jǐng
2.2:034 jiù
2.2:035 jué
2.2:042 lǜ, shuài
2.2:043 liáo
2.2:044 蔑 篾 miè
2.2:045 míng
2.2:048 niān, yān
2.2:049 蘖 孽 niè
2.2:050 ǒu
2.2:051 qiǎn
2.2:052 qiǎn
2.2:053 qiāo
2.2:054 qiáo
2.2:055 qué
2.2:056 ráng
2.2:057 rǎng
2.2:062 sā, sǎ
2.2:063 shān
2.2:064 shàn
2.2:065 shèng
2.2:066 薯 蔬 shǔ, shū
2.2:067 shuāng
2.2:069 穗 繐 suì
2.2:070 tǐng
2.2:071 tún
2.2:072 wēn
2.2:075 xiá
2.2:076 xiá
2.2:077 xiá
2.2:078 xià, shà
2.2:079 xiān
2.2:080 𣔙 𣔙 锨 xiān
2.2:081 xián
2.2:082 xiàng
2.2:083 xié
2.2:084 yàn
2.2:085 yáo
2.2:086 yáo
2.2:087 yáo
2.2:088 yí, wèi
2.2:095 yīng
2.2:096 yōng
2.2:097 yōu
2.2:101 yuán
2.2:102 yuán
2.2:103 yuàn
2.2:104 yuè
2.2:105 yùn
2.2:106 zāo
2.2:107 zāo
2.2:108 zǎo
2.2:109 zhā
2.2:110 zhá
2.2:111 zhàn
2.2:112 涨 胀 zhǎng, zhàng
2.2:113 zhēng
2.2:114 zhǒng
2.2:115 zhuàn
2.2:116 zhuàng

Table 2 Subtable 3 : Idiosyncratic Simplifications (32 entries)

第二表: 三、特征字

This table lists miscellaneous individual simplifications.

Ref. Erjian Standard Pinyin Notes
2.3:001 插 锸 臿 chā, chá
2.3:002 dé, děi
2.3:004 fèi
2.3:005 蜂 峰 烽 锋 fēng
2.3:006 鼓 臌
2.3:007 衮 滚 磙 gǔn
2.3:008 侯 候 hóu, hòu
2.3:009 See 2.8:002 for derived simplifications
2.3:010 疆 缰 jiāng, jiàng
2.3:011 jiě, jiè, xiè
2.3:012 jìn, qīn
2.3:013 qīn
2.3:014 鞠 掬
2.3:015 垒 儡 lěi
2.3:016 lòu
2.3:017 méi, mò
2.3:019 脑 瑙 碯 堖 nǎo
2.3:020 néng
2.3:021 pān
2.3:022 quē
2.3:023 rán
2.3:024 ruò
2.3:025 shóu, shú
2.3:026 shǔ, shù, shuò
2.3:027 酸 痠 suān
2.3:028 滕 藤 téng
2.3:029 wēi
2.3:030 涡 蜗 窝 莴 wō, wā
2.3:031 xiàng
2.3:032 旋 漩 xuán, xuàn

Table 2 Subtable 4 : Outline Simplifications (24 entries)

第二表: 四、轮廓字

This table lists individual simplifications where the outline of the standard character is maintained but internal strokes are omitted.

Ref. Erjian Standard Pinyin Notes
2.4:001 chǔn
2.4:002 cuàn
2.4:003 děng
2.4:004 guǐ See 2.8:003 for derived simplifications
2.4:006 mó, mò
2.4:007 mó, mā
2.4:008 kuò
2.4:009 páng See 2.8:004 for derived simplifications
2.4:010 shǔ
2.4:011 叟 搜 嗖 飕 sōu, sǒu See 2.8:006 for derived simplifications
2.4:013 yáo See 2.8:007 for derived simplifications
2.4:014 隋 随 suí
2.4:016 See 2.8:005 for derived simplifications
2.4:017 See 2.8:015 for derived simplifications
2.4:018 zhōu See 2.8:014 for derived simplifications
2.4:019 jiǎo See 2.8:013 for derived simplifications
2.4:020 ěr See 2.8:012 for derived simplifications
2.4:021 nán See 2.8:011 for derived simplifications
2.4:022 shāng See 2.8:010 for derived simplifications
2.4:023 mǐn See 2.8:008 for derived simplifications
2.4:024 xiě, xuè See 2.8:009 for derived simplifications

Table 2 Subtable 5 : Cursive Simplifications (16 entries)

第二表: 五、草书楷化字

This table lists individual simplifications based on existing cursive forms of characters.

Ref. Erjian Standard Pinyin Notes
2.5:001 弟 第 See 2.8:016 for derived simplifications
2.5:002 嚏 涕
2.5:003 hài See 2.8:018 for derived simplifications
2.5:004 jiǎn See 2.8:019 for derived simplifications
2.5:005 阑 斓 lán
2.5:006 mào
2.5:007 zhào
2.5:008 piāo See 2.8:020 for derived simplifications
2.5:009 yào See 2.8:021 for derived simplifications
2.5:010 See 2.8:022 for derived simplifications
2.5:011 xià
2.5:012 shēn See 2.8:023 for derived simplifications
2.5:013 shì
2.5:014 gāo See 2.8:017 for derived simplifications
2.5:015 xuē

Table 2 Subtable 6 : Semantic Simplifications (6 entries)

第二表: 六、会意字

This table lists individual simplifications where a completely new character is created from semantic components.

Ref. Erjian Standard Pinyin Notes
2.6:001 ǎi
2.6:002 guā
2.6:004 jiā See 2.8:024 for derived simplifications
2.6:006 rán

Table 2 Subtable 7 : Symbolic Simplifications (5 entries)

第二表: 七、符号字

This table lists individual simplifications where a complex component is replaced by a simple component which does not have a semantic or phonetic relatonship with the character.

Ref. Erjian Standard Pinyin Notes
2.7:002 ào
2.7:003 yuè
2.7:004 hán
2.7:005 wèi

Table 2 Subtable 8 : Generic Simplifications of Components (40 entries)

第二表: 八、简化偏旁

This table is divided into two parts. The first 24 entries are simplifications of components which are also characters in their own right (可作简化偏旁用的简化字), and the last 16 entries are components that are not commonly used as individual characters (不能单独成字的简化偏旁). 348 examples of characters that should have derived simplifications are listed in the table (336 characters in total, as some characters have two simplifiable components), although the actual simplified glyphs are not given in the published table.

Ref. Erjian Standard Erjian Standard
2.8:001 橄瞰憨 橄瞰憨
2.8:002 慨溉概 慨溉概
2.8:003 魁魅傀愧瑰槐魂魄 魁魅傀愧瑰槐魂魄
2.8:004 傍谤榜膀磅镑耪螃 傍谤榜膀磅镑耪螃
2.8:005 嘻嬉禧熹 嘻嬉禧熹
2.8:006 馊嫂艘瘦 馊嫂艘瘦
2.8:007 滔韬 滔韬
2.8:008 盂孟猛锰蜢盅盆盐盏监槛褴益谥溢缢盔盛盖盗盘盟温蕴磕瞌阖 盂孟猛锰蜢盅盆盐盏监槛褴益谥溢缢盔盛盖盗盘盟温蕴磕瞌阖
2.8:009 衅恤 衅恤
2.8:011 献喃楠蝻 献喃楠蝻
2.8:012 耶椰取娶趣最撮耻耽耿聆职联聘聪洱饵弭聂摄镊蹑揖缉楫辑茸耸聋闻 耶椰取娶趣最撮耻耽耿聆职联聘聪洱饵弭聂摄镊蹑揖缉楫辑茸耸聋闻
2.8:013 斛触桷确懈蟹 斛触桷确懈蟹
2.8:014 舰航舷舵舸舶船艄艘般搬瘢磐盘 舰航舷舵舸舶船艄艘般搬瘢磐盘
2.8:015 雯零雾雹雷擂镭需懦糯震霄霉霖霎霍霓露酃 雯零雾雹雷擂镭需懦糯震霄霉霖霎霍霓露酃
2.8:016 剃梯锑递 剃梯锑递
2.8:017 敲搞槁犒稿镐蒿篙 敲搞槁犒稿镐蒿篙
2.8:018 刻该咳孩骇核赅骸阂 刻该咳孩骇核赅骸阂
2.8:019 谏楝 谏楝
2.8:020 飘瓢漂膘瞟镖鳔 飘瓢漂膘瞟镖鳔
2.8:022 期欺斯嘶撕厮淇祺棋琪基箕旗 期欺斯嘶撕厮淇祺棋琪基箕旗
2.8:023 躬躯躲躺射谢榭 躬躯躲躺射谢榭
2.8:024 嫁稼 嫁稼
2.8:026 豺豹貂貉 豺豹貂貉
2.8:027 撅橛獗蹶 撅橛獗蹶
2.8:029 廷挺延涎蜒筵犍毽 廷挺延涎蜒筵犍毽
2.8:030 补初衬衫袄袜袒袖袍被裆裕裙裱褂裸褪褛褶褴 补初衬衫袄袜袒袖袍被裆裕裙裱褂裸褪褛褶褴
2.8:031 朝嘲潮戟翰 朝嘲潮戟翰
2.8:032 撩獠缭 撩獠缭
2.8:033 博搏膊缚薄 博搏膊缚薄
2.8:034 摘嘀滴嫡镝 摘嘀滴嫡镝
2.8:035 谄陷掐馅焰 谄陷掐馅焰
2.8:036 准谁难傩摊滩瘫堆推唯帷惟淮维潍椎雅稚雏碓睢锥雌榫售雀雇翟霍瞿崔催摧焦憔樵礁蕉鹤截蔺躏雁雍壅攫暹鹳颧獾 准谁难傩摊滩瘫堆推唯帷惟淮维潍椎雅稚雏碓睢锥雌榫售雀雇翟霍瞿崔催摧焦憔樵礁蕉鹤截蔺躏雁雍壅攫暹鹳颧獾
2.8:037 杰点热烈羔糕羹庶鹧蔗遮焘烹焉煮焦憔樵礁蕉黑默黔黝黯嘿墨熏醺煎煦煞熬熙罴熊燕熹 杰点热烈羔糕羹庶鹧蔗遮焘烹焉煮焦憔樵礁蕉黑默黔黝黯嘿墨熏醺煎煦煞熬熙罴熊燕熹
2.8:038 𥝢 黎藜 黎藜
2.8:040 𠇍𱥯 恭慕添舔黍傣黎藜 恭慕添舔黍傣黎藜


Below are links to images of the sources for second stage simplifications.

Draft Plan for the Second Stage of the Simplification of Chinese Characters (1977)


Appendix to General Table of Simplified Characters (1977)


Unicode Mappings

The table below lists the Unicode characters corresponding to second stage simplified forms, in Unicode code point order. Derived simplifications listed in Table 2 Subtable 8 are only included if there is a Unicode mapping.

Unicode Erjian Standard Ref.
U+4E01 叮 盯 钉 靪 1.1:031
U+4E01 2.1:065a
U+4E0A 绱 鞝 1.1:116
U+4E18 1.1:109a
U+4E20 1.2:004
U+4E4D 2.1:059
U+4E86 1.1:083
U+4E88 预 豫 1.1:156
U+4E8D 1.1:060
U+4E95 1.1:061
U+4EA4 1.1:058
U+4EAE 2.1:071b
U+4EBC 2.6:003
U+4EC3 1.1:127
U+4ED3 1.1:017
U+4ED8 1.1:043
U+4ED8 2.1:017
U+4ED8 2.1:067b
U+4EDD 2.1:049
U+4EE3 2.1:008
U+4EE4 1.1:089
U+4EE6 2.6:001
U+4F0F 袱 匐 2.1:016
U+4F10 筏 阀 垡 2.1:015
U+4F23 2.2:029
U+4F29 1.1:137
U+4F65 2.1:043
U+4FC3 2.1:007
U+4FC8 1.1:071
U+6B20 1.1:106
U+5143 1.1:157
U+5170 蓝 篮 1.1:074
U+5170 2.1:070a
U+51E0 1.1:008b
U+51E0 1.1:068b
U+5201 凋 碉 雕 2.1:010
U+5206 2.1:067a
U+5208 2.7:001
U+52AF 2.2:040
U+52FA 1.1:117
U+52FE 1.1:045
U+5308 2.1:054
U+530A 鞠掬 2.3:014
U+5321 筐 框 眶 诓 哐 2.1:029
U+5346 1.2:020
U+5348 1.1:129
U+535E 2.1:002
U+5361 1.1:068a
U+5386 1.1:100b
U+53B6 1.1:120
U+53B7 1.1:138
U+53BD 垒儡 2.3:015
U+53C9 衩 扠 杈 汊 1.1:019
U+5408 1.1:051
U+5415 旅 膂 2.1:034
U+5459 涡蜗窝莴 2.3:030
U+5480 1.1:167
U+54A8 2.1:062
U+54AF 疙 圪 纥 2.1:068a
U+55D2 瘩 垯 𫄤 2.1:068b
U+5735 1.1:112
U+5736 2.3:018
U+5750 1.1:168
U+5752 1.1:007
U+5763 1.2:014
U+5763 镗 嘡 膛 2.1:047
U+579F 1.1:107
U+57A5 2.2:024
U+57A7 2.1:045
U+58F4 鼓 臌 2.3:006
U+5906 蜂 峰 烽 锋 2.3:005
U+590B 酸 痠 2.3:027
U+591A 2.1:066a
U+592A 1.1:122
U+592B 1.1:041
U+592C 2.3:022
U+59D4 诿 萎 痿 2.1:051
U+5B50 1.1:166
U+5B5A 1.1:040
U+5B5B 勃 渤 脖 饽 2.1:004
U+5B81 2.1:065b
U+5B81 2.1:074a
U+5B93 蜜 密 2.1:036
U+5B9B 2.1:050
U+5C09 2.1:052
U+5C3E 2.1:070b
U+5C4F 1.1:010
U+5C5A 2.3:016
U+5C90 1.1:102
U+5DE8 2.1:028
U+5DF4 芭 笆 粑 1.1:002
U+5E0C 1.1:130
U+5E10 1.1:163
U+5E72 2.1:019
U+5F01 辨 辩 辫 2.1:003
U+5F0D 1.1:038
U+5F15 1.1:109b
U+5F17 2.3:004
U+5F66 2.1:057
U+5F7B 2.1:006
U+5FCC 2.1:023
U+5FF0 1.3:020-02
U+5FFC 1.1:069
U+5FFF 忿 1.1:039
U+606F 1.1:131
U+6212 2.1:026
U+6241 萹 藊 稨 1.1:009
U+6247 煽 搧 1.1:115
U+625E 2.1:020
U+6277 2.2:085
U+6289 2.8:027-01
U+62AA 1.1:012
U+62F1 1.1:034b
U+62FC 2.1:041
U+653C 2.2:022
U+6566 墩 礅 蹾 撉 2.1:014
U+6591 2.1:001
U+6597 1.1:034a
U+6597 1.1:072b
U+6597 2.1:011
U+65E1 2.3:009
U+65E6 1.1:025
U+6746 秆 竿 1.1:044
U+677F 2.1:078b
U+679C 1.1:049
U+679F 1.1:123
U+6842 1.1:048
U+6854 1.1:066
U+685C 1.3:016-02
U+6B23 2.1:053
U+6B66 2.1:079b
U+6B7A 1.1:016
U+6BB3 2.3:017
U+6BD5 1.1:008a
U+6C3F 氿 1.1:065
U+6C58 1.1:105
U+6C5F 1.1:056
U+6C83 2.2:001
U+6C85 1.1:159
U+6C8B 1.1:153
U+6C99 2.1:044
U+6CBE 2.1:060
U+6CBF 沿 2.1:056
U+6CCE 2.2:109
U+6CDE 2.1:038
U+6CE2 2.1:005
U+6D30 1.1:110
U+6D42 灌 盥 1.1:047
U+7096 1.1:037
U+70A1 2.2:113
U+7145 2.1:013
U+725E 2.2:038
U+72B2 2.8:026-01
U+72B3 2.8:026-02
U+72E2 2.8:026-04
U+738F 1.1:081
U+73AF 2.1:021
U+7544 1.2:006
U+757A 疆缰 2.3:010
U+7592 1.1:011
U+75A6 2.2:055
U+75A9 1.3:020-04
U+75E2 2.1:069b
U+760C 2.1:069a
U+7683 1.1:094
U+7687 2.1:076b
U+7815 1.3:020-03
U+7831 1.1:088
U+7945 2.8:030-05
U+7958 1.1:121
U+7958 2.1:046
U+797C 2.8:030-16
U+79D1 1.1:072a
U+79D2 2.1:037
U+7AFB 2.2:037
U+7B08 1.1:054
U+7C87 1.1:070
U+7C8B 1.3:020-05
U+7D22 2.1:066b
U+7D22 嗦 苏 2.1:073b
U+7F57 罗 噜 2.1:073a
U+7FC6 1.3:020-06
U+808A 1.1:148
U+8096 1.1:135
U+80D2 2.2:047
U+80E1 葫 猢 蝴 糊 1.1:052
U+827B 1.1:080
U+827D 1.1:064
U+8298 蓖 篦 蔽 1.1:005
U+82F3 1.1:032
U+8310 1.1:023
U+832D 1.1:059
U+8345 1.1:024
U+864F 1.1:091
U+86C8 2.2:015
U+886D 2.2:036
U+887F 2.1:027
U+88A2 2.1:039
U+8D76 2.1:018
U+8DB9 2.8:027-04
U+8F89 2.1:022
U+8F9F 1.1:100a
U+8F9F 2.1:040
U+8FBA 1.1:029
U+8FBD 2.1:071a
U+8FBE 2.1:072b
U+8FC2 1.1:155
U+8FCA 1.1:150
U+8FCC 2.2:104
U+8FDE 2.1:030
U+8FE0 1.1:055
U+90A6 1.1:003
U+90FD 2.1:012
U+9154 1.3:020-07
U+91C7 1.1:014
U+9486 2.2:110
U+948C 2.1:031
U+9496 1.3:015-04
U+95EB 1.1:144
U+964F 隋随 2.4:014
U+9A7A 2.1:061
U+9A94 2.1:063
U+9C81 2.1:033
U+9F99 昽 胧 眬 1.1:096b
Ext. A: U+342B 脑瑙碯堖 2.3:019
Ext. A: U+3441 储贮 2.2:010
Ext. A: U+362B 1.1:062
Ext. A: U+3749 1.1:140
Ext. A: U+3749 2.1:055
Ext. A: U+374B 寮 寥 1.1:086
Ext. A: U+3751 2.1:075a
Ext. A: U+3751 徬 彷 2.1:076a
Ext. A: U+3751 2.4:009
Ext. A: U+38CA 1.1:139
Ext. A: U+3907 1.1:001
Ext. A: U+390F 1.1:033
Ext. A: U+39C5 2.2:013
Ext. A: U+39E5 2.2:079
Ext. A: U+3B30 2.4:012
Ext. A: U+3B60 𣔙锨 2.2:080
Ext. A: U+3CB9 2.2:025
Ext. A: U+3CBA 1.1:101
Ext. A: U+3CBA 2.1:042
Ext. A: U+3CD5 澜 滥 1.1:075
Ext. A: U+3DA5 2.2:023
Ext. A: U+3F8C 1.1:141
Ext. A: U+4499 1.1:018
Ext. A: U+44B5 1.1:050
Ext. A: U+3B48 2.8:027-02
Ext. A: U+3E5F 2.8:027-03
Ext. A: U+3E66 2.8:026-03
Ext. A: U+40FC 2.8:030-01
Ext. A: U+4102 2.8:030-08
Ext. A: U+4881 2.8:031-01
Ext. B: U+200D3 𠃓 1.2:015
Ext. B: U+200DC 𠃜 眉嵋 1.2:007
Ext. B: U+200DC 𠃜 湄 楣 鹛 2.1:035
Ext. B: U+201A3 𠆣 2.6:002
Ext. B: U+201A8 𠆨 1.1:084
Ext. B: U+2053E 𠔾 2.4:018
Ext. B: U+20705 𠜅 2.2:032
Ext. B: U+20BB5 𠮵 1.1:111
Ext. B: U+20BE5 𠯥 1.3:020-01
Ext. B: U+219BC 𡦼 2.6:004
Ext. B: U+219F3 𡧳 1.1:114
Ext. B: U+21C52 𡱒 殿 1.1:030
Ext. B: U+21D2D 𡴭 2.2:091
Ext. B: U+21D49 𡵉 2.3:029
Ext. B: U+22342 𢍂 1.2:001
Ext. B: U+22488 𢒈 1.1:151
Ext. B: U+225B3 𢖳 1.1:154
Ext. B: U+2265D 𢙝 2.2:081
Ext. B: U+22A73 𢩳 2.2:064
Ext. B: U+22A83 𢪃 1.1:020
Ext. B: U+22B02 𢬂 2.2:116
Ext. B: U+23143 𣅃 暴曝 2.2:004
Ext. B: U+233B7 𣎷 2.2:090
Ext. B: U+23C76 𣱶 瀑浦 2.2:005
Ext. B: U+23CAA 𣲪 2.8.002-03
Ext. B: U+24182 𤆂 2.6:006
Ext. B: U+2418A 𤆊 1.1:004
Ext. B: U+2462F 𤘯 1.1:073
Ext. B: U+2474C 𤝌 2.2:102
Ext. B: U+24D25 𤴥 2.2:092
Ext. B: U+24D52 𤵒 2.2:072
Ext. B: U+25128 𥄨 1.1:021
Ext. B: U+26678 𦙸 1.1:152
Ext. B: U+26B01 𦬁 菜 蔡 1.1:015
Ext. B: U+26B38 𦬸 薯蔬 2.2:066
Ext. B: U+26BB4 𦮴 2.2:048
Ext. B: U+2727E 𧉾 2.4:001
Ext. B: U+27FEC 𧿬 1.1:036
Ext. B: U+28473 𨑳 霆 庭 2.1:048
Ext. B: U+28473 𨑳 2.1:077b
Ext. B: U+2868D 𨚍 2.2:006
Ext. B: U+28C44 𨱄 2.2:009
Ext. B: U+22A6A 𢩪 2.8:032-01
Ext. B: U+233B6 𣎶 2.8:037-01
Ext. B: U+25609 𥘉 2.8:030-02
Ext. B: U+2560E 𥘎 2.8:030-04
Ext. B: U+25611 𥘑 2.8:030-03
Ext. B: U+2562F 𥘯 2.8:030-06
Ext. B: U+25635 𥘵 2.8:030-07
Ext. B: U+2564A 𥙊 2.8:039-01
Ext. B: U+2567F 𥙿 2.8:030-12
Ext. B: U+28473 𨑳 2.8:029-01
Ext. B: U+28482 𨒂 2.8:029-03
Ext. C: U+2A8C8 𪣈 2.2:084
Ext. C: U+2A9F7 𪧷 1.1:057
Ext. C: U+2AAC6 𪫆 2.3:012
Ext. C: U+2ABC8 𪯈 2.2:021
Ext. C: U+2B209 𫈉 2.2:028
Ext. C: U+2B2A5 𫊥 2.2:016
Ext. C: U+2B35A 𫍚 2.2:086
Ext. C: U+2B4F1 𫓱 2.2:053
Ext. C: U+2B739 (Unicode 15.0) 𫜹 1.1:143
Ext. E: U+2B823 𫠣 2.5:004
Ext. E: U+2B92D 𫤭 2.7:002
Ext. E: U+2B9C7 𫧇 2.3:020
Ext. E: U+2BA4F 𫩏 1.1:103
Ext. E: U+2BA51 𫩑 1.2:009
Ext. E: U+2BBDC 𫯜 1.1:097
Ext. E: U+2BC06 𫰆 2.2:089
Ext. E: U+2BCB7 𫲷 1.1:042
Ext. E: U+2BDAC 𫶬 侯候 2.3:008
Ext. E: U+2BDC0 𫷀 1.1:093
Ext. E: U+2BE6F 𫹯 1.2:003
Ext. E: U+2BE75 𫹵 2.2:103
Ext. E: U+2C05F 𬁟 2.3:002
Ext. E: U+2C0AD 𬂭 1.1:134
Ext. E: U+2C4E0 𬓠 稽嵇 2.2:026
Ext. E: U+2C728 𬜨 穗繐 2.2:069
Ext. F: U+2CF65 𬽥 2.2:027
Ext. F: U+2D026 𭀦 耀 曜 1.1:146
Ext. F: U+2D64F 𭙏 1.1:087
Ext. F: U+2D655 𭙕 2.4:007
Ext. F: U+2D70C 𭜌 1.1:092
Ext. F: U+2DCFF 𭳿 1.1:095
Ext. F: U+2DD08 𭴈 2.2:105
Ext. F: U+2DDD4 𭷔 2.3:011
Ext. F: U+2DEFE 𭻾 旋漩 2.3:032
Ext. F: U+2E0B9 𮂹 1.1:128
Ext. F: U+2E1D8 𮇘 2.2:107
Ext. G: U+3006C 1.3:005-01
Ext. G: U+30072 1.3:019-01
Ext. G: U+3007C 2.2:082
Ext. G: U+30061 1.1:113
Ext. G: U+302D9 1.2:005
Ext. G: U+3011D 1.3:015-01
Ext. G: U+30149 1.1:108
Ext. G: U+30196 1.1:158
Ext. G: U+301E2 1.3:012-02
Ext. G: U+301F0 1.3:013-01
Ext. G: U+30009 囊囔 1.2:010
Ext. G: U+30270 1.3:018-01
Ext. G: U+302DB 1.1:125
Ext. G: U+302F7 1.2:016
Ext. G: U+302F7 2.1:079a
Ext. G: U+302FB 1.3:007-01
Ext. G: U+30C1F 蘖 孽 2.2:049
Ext. G: U+30335 察嚓 1.2:002
Ext. G: U+3033B 1.1:162
Ext. G: U+300DD 1.2:021
Ext. G: U+30370 展辗 1.2:017
Ext. G: U+30371 1.2:013
Ext. G: U+30409 1.1:006
Ext. G: U+30414 1.1:026
Ext. G: U+3044A 1.3:011-04
Ext. G: U+3043F 1.3:015-02
Ext. G: U+3044C 1.3:005-02
Ext. G: U+3043A 1.1:147
Ext. G: U+3045D 1.3:018-02
Ext. G: U+3045E 1.3:003-02
Ext. G: U+30450 1.1:077
Ext. G: U+304E8 1.3:012-01
Ext. G: U+304CA 2.2:083
Ext. G: U+304BC 2.2:062
Ext. G: U+304E2 1.3:021-01
Ext. G: U+304ED 1.3:003-01
Ext. G: U+304E3 1.3:002-01
Ext. G: U+304CC 1.3:010-01
Ext. G: U+302DE 1.1:165
Ext. G: U+3057A 1.3:011-06
Ext. G: U+305D1 1.2:012
Ext. G: U+305DD 1.3:019-02
Ext. G: U+305F6 1.3:006-01
Ext. G: U+3067D 1.3:019-03
Ext. G: U+306D3 1.3:011-05
Ext. G: U+30708 溜 遛 熘 馏 1.1:090
Ext. G: U+30708 2.1:072a
Ext. G: U+306EC 1.3:018-03
Ext. G: U+306D1 1.1:145
Ext. G: U+30005 2.3:025
Ext. G: U+30776 1.1:085
Ext. G: U+302DC 1.1:119
Ext. G: U+30828 2.4:015
Ext. G: U+30831 1.3:005-03
Ext. G: U+30842 1.3:011-03
Ext. G: U+308F2 1.3:006-02
Ext. G: U+30170 1.2:019
Ext. G: U+30174 1.2:018
Ext. G: U+30955 1.3:011-07
Ext. G: U+3094C 1.1:132
Ext. G: U+30969 1.3:013-02
Ext. G: U+30179 1.1:022
Ext. G: U+30993 1.1:035
Ext. G: U+309AA 1.3:017-01
Ext. G: U+309AB 1.1:079
Ext. G: U+30A1B 1.1:028
Ext. G: U+30AAB 1.3:011-10
Ext. G: U+30AA9 1.1:124
Ext. G: U+30B04 1.3:009-01
Ext. G: U+30B0A 1.1:078
Ext. G: U+30AFE 1.1:160
Ext. G: U+30B15 1.3:016-01
Ext. G: U+30B43 1.1:046
Ext. G: U+30B4B 1.3:019-04
Ext. G: U+30B5D 1.1:149
Ext. G: U+31151 1.1:126
Ext. G: U+30C2B 1.3:011-02
Ext. G: U+30C21 1.2:008
Ext. G: U+30C21 曚 朦 蒙 1.1:096a
Ext. G: U+30C21 2.1:074b
Ext. G: U+30C2C 蔑 篾 2.2:044
Ext. G: U+30C24 2.2:050
Ext. G: U+30002 1.1:099
Ext. G: U+30CC7 1.3:014-01
Ext. G: U+30CBD 1.3:008-01
Ext. G: U+30D55 1.3:011-01
Ext. G: U+30D4B 1.1:104
Ext. G: U+30D5F 1.1:076
Ext. G: U+30DDF 1.3:015-03
Ext. G: U+30DE3 1.1:161
Ext. G: U+30E04 1.3:015-05
Ext. G: U+30E01 1.1:027
Ext. G: U+30E70 1.1:118
Ext. G: U+30E77 2.2:101
Ext. G: U+30E79 1.1:164
Ext. G: U+300DD 2.1:064
Ext. G: U+3018A 1.1:013
Ext. G: U+30F03 1.1:098
Ext. G: U+3014A 1.1:082
Ext. G: U+30F62 2.2:030
Ext. G: U+30F82 1.3:018-04
Ext. G: U+30708 2.1:032
Ext. G: U+30F5F 1.1:063
Ext. G: U+30F64 镢 䦆 1.1:067
Ext. G: U+30F59 1.1:133
Ext. G: U+30008 1.2:011
Ext. G: U+30008 2.1:077a
Ext. G: U+30A62 1.3:011-08
Ext. G: U+30053 1.3:011-09
Ext. G: U+3034E 1.3:011-11
Ext. G: U+301B3 1.1:142
Ext. G: U+301BB 1.1:136
Ext. G: U+310AA 1.3:018-05
Ext. G: U+310AA 巅 癫 2.1:009
Ext. G: U+3114C 1.3:004-01
Ext. G: U+30BF6 1.3:001-01

Unencoded Characters

The table below lists those primary second stage simplified forms that are not encoded in the Unicode Standard (as of Unicode version 14.0). Derived simplifications listed in Table 2 Subtable 8 are omitted.

Ref. Standard Erjian IDS Notes
1.1:053 ⿰圼殳 Unifiable with U+6BC1 毁 according to UCV #89 (U+6BC1 + VS18 in BabelStone Han)
2.1:024 ⿰扌东 BabelStone Han PUA U+F155
2.1:025 ⿰口? BabelStone Han PUA U+F0C1
2.1:058 BabelStone Han PUA U+F0FB
2.1:075b 磅礡 磅礡 ⿱艹⿰氵? BabelStone Han PUA U+F0FC
2.1:078a ⿰𠔾山 BabelStone Han PUA U+F0FD
2.2:002 ⿱?巴 BabelStone Han PUA U+F072
2.2:003 ⿱艹半 BabelStone Han PUA U+F073
2.2:007 ⿺辶比 BabelStone Han PUA U+F074
2.2:008 簿 簿 ⿱𥫗布 BabelStone Han PUA U+F075
2.2:011 ⿰出戈 BabelStone Han PUA U+F076
2.2:012 ⿰讠旦 BabelStone Han PUA U+F077
2.2:014 ⿰刁鸟 BabelStone Han PUA U+F078
2.2:017 ⿰扌凡 BabelStone Han PUA U+F079
2.2:018 ⿰纟凡 BabelStone Han PUA U+F07A
2.2:019 ⿺辶丰 BabelStone Han PUA U+F07B
2.2:020 ⿰纟丰 BabelStone Han PUA U+F07C
2.2:031 ⿰耒工 BabelStone Han PUA U+F081
2.2:033 警 儆 ⿰忄井 BabelStone Han PUA U+F082
2.2:034 ⿸厂九 BabelStone Han PUA U+F083
2.2:035 ⿸厂夬 BabelStone Han PUA U+F084
2.2:039 ⿸疒力 BabelStone Han PUA U+F085
2.2:041 ⿰彳力 BabelStone Han PUA U+F087
2.2:042 ⿱力十 BabelStone Han PUA U+F088
2.2:043 ⿰?了 BabelStone Han PUA U+F089
2.2:045 ⿰虫名 BabelStone Han PUA U+F08B
2.2:046 ⿱艹么 BabelStone Han PUA U+F08C
2.2:051 ⿺辶欠 BabelStone Han PUA U+F08F
2.2:052 ⿰讠⿺辶欠 BabelStone Han PUA U+F090
2.2:054 ⿰目乔 BabelStone Han PUA U+F092
2.2:056 ⿺瓜上 BabelStone Han PUA U+F093
2.2:057 ⿰扌上 BabelStone Han PUA U+F094
2.2:058 ⿰子入 BabelStone Han PUA U+F095
2.2:059 ⿰虫入 BabelStone Han PUA U+F096
2.2:060 ⿱入寸 BabelStone Han PUA U+F097
2.2:061 ⿰礻入 BabelStone Han PUA U+F098
2.2:063 ⿰羊山 BabelStone Han PUA U+F09A
2.2:065 ⿰生刂 BabelStone Han PUA U+F09B
2.2:067 ⿱?双 BabelStone Han PUA U+F09C
2.2:068 ⿰长四 BabelStone Han PUA U+F09D
2.2:070 ⿰𠔾丁 BabelStone Han PUA U+F09F
2.2:071 ⿸尸屯 BabelStone Han PUA U+F0A0
2.2:073 ⿰月夕 BabelStone Han PUA U+F0A1
2.2:074 ⿰阝夕 BabelStone Han PUA U+F0A2
2.2:075 ⿰车下 BabelStone Han PUA U+F0A3
2.2:076 ⿰日下 BabelStone Han PUA U+F0A4
2.2:077 ⿱?下 BabelStone Han PUA U+F0A5
2.2:078 ⿸厂下 BabelStone Han PUA U+F0A6
2.2:087 ⿺辶夭 BabelStone Han PUA U+F0AB
2.2:088 ⿺辶乙 BabelStone Han PUA U+F0AC
2.2:093 ⿱乙力 BabelStone Han PUA U+F0AE
2.2:094 ⿰忄以 BabelStone Han PUA U+F0AF
2.2:095 ⿰应鸟 BabelStone Han PUA U+F0B0
2.2:096 ⿸广用 BabelStone Han PUA U+F0B1
2.2:097 ⿶凵又 BabelStone Han PUA U+F0B2
2.2:098 ⿰讠与 BabelStone Han PUA U+F0B3
2.2:099 ⿱于心 BabelStone Han PUA U+F0B4
2.2:100 ⿰阝于 BabelStone Han PUA U+F0B5
2.2:106 ⿺辶早 BabelStone Han PUA U+F0B9
2.2:108 ⿰氵早 BabelStone Han PUA U+F0BB
2.2:111 ⿰纟占 BabelStone Han PUA U+F0BC
2.2:112 涨 胀 ⿰氵长 BabelStone Han PUA U+F0BD
2.2:114 ⿰𧾷中 BabelStone Han PUA U+F0BE
2.2:115 ⿰贝专 BabelStone Han PUA U+F0BF
2.3:001 插 锸 臿 ⿱千田 BabelStone Han PUA U+F0C0
2.3:003 ⿱一心 BabelStone Han PUA U+F0C2
2.3:007 衮 滚 磙 ⿱亠公 BabelStone Han PUA U+F0C3
2.3:013 ⿰亻彐 BabelStone Han PUA U+F0C7
2.3:021 ⿱大手 BabelStone Han PUA U+F0C9
2.3:023 ⿱犬一 BabelStone Han PUA U+F0CA
2.3:024 ⿻弓冫 BabelStone Han PUA U+F0CB
2.3:026 ⿰由攵 BabelStone Han PUA U+F0CD
2.3:028 滕 藤 ⿱龹小 BabelStone Han PUA U+F0CE
2.3:031 BabelStone Han PUA U+F0CF
2.4:002 ⿱𥫗厺 BabelStone Han PUA U+F0D1
2.4:003 ⿱艹寸 BabelStone Han PUA U+F0D2
2.4:004 ⿱田儿 BabelStone Han PUA U+F0D3
2.4:005 ⿸广? BabelStone Han PUA U+F0D4
2.4:006 ⿸广石 BabelStone Han PUA U+F0D5
2.4:008 ⿵门舌 BabelStone Han PUA U+F0D7
2.4:010 ⿱𭕄电 BabelStone Han PUA U+F0D8
2.4:011 叟 搜 嗖 飕 ⿱由又 BabelStone Han PUA U+F0D9
2.4:013 舀 臽 ⿱⺈曰 BabelStone Han PUA U+F0DA
2.4:016 ⿳士䒑口 BabelStone Han PUA U+F0DC
2.4:017 BabelStone Han PUA U+F0DD
2.4:019 ⿱⺈冂 BabelStone Han PUA U+F0DF
2.4:020 BabelStone Han PUA U+F0E0
2.4:021 ⿱十冂 BabelStone Han PUA U+F0E1
2.4:022 商 啇 BabelStone Han PUA U+F0E2
2.4:023 BabelStone Han PUA U+F0E3
2.4:024 BabelStone Han PUA U+F0E4
2.5:001 弟 第 BabelStone Han PUA U+F0E5
2.5:002 嚏 涕 ⿰氵? BabelStone Han PUA U+F0E6
2.5:003 BabelStone Han PUA U+F0E7
2.5:005 阑 斓 ⿵门𫠣 BabelStone Han PUA U+F0E9
2.5:006 ⿱𭕄贝 BabelStone Han PUA U+F0EA
2.5:007 ⿱𭕄一 BabelStone Han PUA U+F0EB
2.5:008 ⿱⺄示 BabelStone Han PUA U+F0EC
2.5:009 ⿱⺄女 BabelStone Han PUA U+F0ED
2.5:010 BabelStone Han PUA U+F0EE
2.5:011 BabelStone Han PUA U+F0EF
2.5:012 BabelStone Han PUA U+F0F0
2.5:013 BabelStone Han PUA U+F0F1
2.5:014 BabelStone Han PUA U+F0F2
2.5:015 ⿱艹⿰?辛 BabelStone Han PUA U+F0F3
2.5:016 ⿳士冖土 BabelStone Han PUA U+F0F4
2.6:005 ⿱众一 BabelStone Han PUA U+F0F5
2.7:003 BabelStone Han PUA U+F0F7
2.7:004 ⿰车卜 BabelStone Han PUA U+F0F8
2.7:005 ⿰委乚 BabelStone Han PUA U+F0F9
2.8:031 BabelStone Han PUA U+F2C5
2.8:033 ⿻专丶 BabelStone Han PUA U+F0FE
2.8:036 BabelStone Han PUA U+F0FF
2.8:037 BabelStone Han PUA U+F100


BabelStone Erjian is free to download and use for personal or commercial purposes. A WOFF version of the font is also available to download. If you wish, you may freely host the WOFF file on your website in order to display BabelStone Erjian characters on your website without users needing to actively install the font.

For use on your computer or mobile device please download and install the TTF file. The WOFF and WOFF2 files are for web use only, and are not required by most users.

BabelStone Erjian 1 v. 1.1.6 (2023-09-01)

TTF file [WOFF] [WOFF2]

BabelStone Erjian 2 v. 1.1.12 (2023-09-01)

TTF file [WOFF] [WOFF2]

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