BabelStone on Bluesky : Personal

21 June 2024

Andrew West 魏安 (

21 June 2024 at 15:20

At Charles University in Prague last week for the annual WG2 meeting, where Prof. Sun Bojun 孙伯君 and myself presented our proposal to encode the Jurchen script

Tall man (Andrew West) in a black T-shirt with two Tangut characters on it, standing next to a shorter, professionally-dressed woman (Sun Bojun)

Andrew West 魏安 (

21 June 2024 at 17:20

Myself with Profs. Sun Bojun and Wushour Slamu, in descending height order

Photograph of Andrew West, Wushour Slamu,  and Sun Bojun, from right to left in descending height order

Andrew West 魏安 (

26 May 2024 at 13:44

After 15 years the Jurchen script is getting close to inclusion in the Unicode Standard with this joint proposal from myself and Prof. Sun Bojun to encode a set of 914 Jurchen characters

20 August 2023

Andrew West 魏安 (

20 August 2023 at 19:12

Spot the Tangut proverb on my canvas tote bag: 𘜶𗗚𗓰𗾟,𗱕𗋽𗰖𘏚 "The great sea is vast and deep, all the waters are gathered there" (seen here on a recent visit to SOAS

Me and my Tangut tote bag in front of the main entrance to SOAS, University of London

20 August 2023

Andrew West 魏安 (

20 August 2023 at 18:50

One year ago, living the dream with the capybaras at Beale Wildlife Park

Me and a capybara

7 August 2023

Andrew West 魏安 (

7 August 2023 at 17:27

In October 1983 I started studying for a BA in Chinese at SOAS University of London, as a mature student of 23, and here I am today, 40 years later ...

Andrew West in Pokémon T-shirt and Snorlax cap standing in front of the main entrance to SOAS

Andrew West 魏安 (

7 August 2023 at 17:33

... with my youngest daughter who is just finishing an MA in Music here

Father and daughter in front of SOAS

Andrew West 魏安 (

27 November 2023 at 11:40

It was a four-year course, but I finally graduated after five years because I forgot to return to England after the second year studying in Beijing ...

Andrew West wearing a long scarf and a straw hat decorated with a plastic lobster, sitting in front of a wall painted with ❗❗❗, Chengde, winter of 1984/1985 (photo © Adrian Bradshaw)

Andrew West 魏安 (

28 November 2023 at 14:25

A year later, in 1989, ten years after dropping out of my first year of a geology degree course, I started studying for a PhD in Chinese literature at Princeton University, specializing in Ming-Qing vernacular fiction under the guidance of Prof. Andrew Plaks ...

Andrew West wearing orange shorts and a dark t-shirt standing in front of Alexander Hall at Princeton University, 1990

Andrew West 魏安 (

29 November 2023 at 15:27

For the first two years we did close readings of the Ming dynasty novels 金瓶梅 and 三國演義, and for the following two years I researched and wrote my PhD dissertation on the textual history of 三國演義, which involved searching out early editions in various libraries in China, Japan, and Europe

Andrew West standing on a footpath running along a farmed valley floor, with jagged hills in the background, Guangxi, spring 1992

Andrew West 魏安 (

30 November 2023 at 12:13

In July 1993 I defended my dissertation (Quest for the urtext: The textual archaeology of "The Three Kingdoms", some 600 pages in two volumes), and thirty years ago this month I received a large certificate written in Latin in acknowledgement ...

PhD certificate from Princeton University for Andrew West, written in Latin

Andrew West 魏安 (

30 November 2023 at 12:22

I later wrote a distillation of my thesis in Chinese, which was published in June 1996 as 三國演義版本考 (copies are still available from the author on request)

Front of the dust jacket of a book by 魏安 entitled 三國演義版本考, with an illustration showing 劉備 and 趙雲, published in June 1996 by 上海古籍出版社

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